This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of VTech Communications for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
Are you a multitasking mom?… Bahahahaha. That was funny, right? Is there any mom out there who’s not a multitasker? I mean, we take care of kids, work inside or outside the home, do house work, run errands, cook, clean, organize, plan events, host parties…. And every once in awhile, we get the chance to take a 3 minute shower while the minions bang on the door repeatedly asking what we’re doing in there. I mean, motherhood definitely has it’s perks, for sure. But it is a challenging job – and any tip or trick that can make it a little easier is worth sharing. Which is why I’ve got a great “Tech Tuesday” product to share with you guys today…
As a mom, I rely on my phone even more than in my pre-motherhood days. I use it to capture photos, stay updated on social media, check email, access my schedule and calendar, make to-do lists and grocery lists… And on and on and on. And as someone who runs a business online, any time I’m out of the house {because I’m a crazy-OCD-workaholic} I’m constantly checking my email on my phone, tweeting, checking in on Foursquare, Instagramming everything I do, etc. Which brings me to the cool new product I want to share, and why it’s so cool – it’s called the DS6670-6C, and it’s a perfect solution to some of my phone-related problems. It’s not a smartphone, but it is a smart little cookie. Learn why….
At first, honestly, I was pretty skeptical about this whole VTech Phone thing. I mean, we don’t even have a home phone line. And why would I need a cordless phone that connects to my cell, when I can just use my cell? But then, I learned more, and holy helpfulness, Batman, this baby is a lifesaver. {If you can’t see the cool info in the video above, click here to watch it: And here’s how this sweet system helps me stay on top of things:
- Don’t you hate how as soon as you get home, you’ve got to plus your phone into a charger? You can turn the volume up loud, but it still doesn’t mean you’ll hear it – or even be able to get there in time. Because face it, you’re life is not about standing still, and being in the same room as a charging phone. With the DS6670-6C system, my phone can charge all day at home, while I use the handsets.
- Do you have dead spots at home? We do. Not as bad as my last house, but we’ve got ’em. So, you’re walking around picking up toys, chasing kids, or other fun tasks while talking on the phone – and have to keep doing the, “can you hear me? Hold on… How about now?” or even better, get fully dropped calls. Well with the VTech system, you leave your phone where it gets the best reception, and use the handset to make calls.
- Do you want a home phone? We’d been thinking about getting a prepaid phone, to have at home for emergencies. There was a time when Abby had a seizure, and not only could neither of us find out cell phones to call 911, the first one we found was dead. Scary. Also – my nephews are with me every day before and after school, and every once in a while, we’re a little late getting home from an appointment. The oldest is 10, and knows to lock the doors and stay inside until we get back. But I’d feel even better with a house phone here for them to access. I love that with this device, we can add a super inexpensive home phone onto our bundled cable and internet package, and the kids have access to a line when needed. Plus, they don’t have to borrow my phone to make calls to friends!
- Hands free talking. Ohmyheck – I’m in love with this feature. The little headset piece has a magnet that attaches it to the base to be always charging, easy peasy. Then you pop it on the headset, and can wear it to talk on the phone while doing dishes, folding laundry – or my fave, while still having both hands to type on the computer without getting a kink in my neck!
The DS6670-6C has Connect to Cell technology, so you simply use your Bluetooth to connect it to the handsets. Super simple, I promise. So, you can use it whether you have a landline or not. It comes with 5 handsets, plus the headset. You can connect up to two cell phones – and it loads all of your phone book and contact info right into the handsets. Then when making a call, you push a button to toggle back and forth between either of the cells or the main house line.
The VTech DS6670-6C Connect to Cell hands-free feature rocks my socks. Like I mentioned above – this little hands-free gadget snaps on magnetically to the base, to charge. Then you just pop it off and onto the included headset, to wear around the house. You get work done, you don’t miss a call, you can catch up with girlfriends, or just have an easier time doing conference calls while chatting online. LOVE. A lot.
To learn more, and stay updated on cool new products and promotions, be sure to follow them online: Like VTech on Facebook, and Follow VTech on Twitter. And if you have any questions on how this baby works, feel free to post in the comments, or Tweet me @sunandsipcups, and I’ll help answer them!
{Photo credit, first photo: toniwbusch via cc.}

This looks fantastic! While I don’t have a landline, I do miss the convenience of a home phone unit. The connect to cell sounds like the best of both worlds.