Who else has fond memories of reading Highlights magazine as a kid? They were some of my very favorite things to read. And I love that they have 3 versions, perfect for kids of all ages – Abby just outgrew the Hello magazine for ages 0-2, and is now reading High Five, the version for kids 2-6. Then when she grows older, we’ll transition to traditional version for kids aged 6-12. We didn’t find a preschool for her this year, so I’m trying to do “preschool at home” – and Highlights are such a great resource to make learning fun! I think one of the reasons that Highlights does such a great job at creating content is that they truly believe in listening to kids, to learn what they like, what they think, what they want to know about. Which is where the State of the Kid survey comes from…
The State of the Kid survey – from Highlights
Each year the people at Highlights turn to their readers to ask their thoughts on subjects important to their world, and to ours. The Highlights State of the Kid survey gives kids a national platform where they can share their thoughts on important topics. This year, their fifth, they asked children to tell them how they felt about patriotism, safety and values. Some of the answers crack me up – like the one above, and the ones in the video below. Check them out. The little guy in the glasses, at the end, is just too darn cute.
Follow along live as Highlights Magazine Presents!
On Wednesday, they’ll present the 2013 State of the Kid survey results in Washington, D.C. – to the media, national organizations, and parents. If you’d like to see the results as they present them live, follow their Twitter handle – @Highlights – and the hashtag #StateoftheKid, on Wednesday, October 23rd at 1pm ET. I’ll be following along with the live tweets and hope to “see” some of you there :)
{This is not a sponsored post. I just think it’s great info and wanted to share!}
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