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Celebrate Ice Cream Month – Cold Stone Creamery Gift Card Giveaway

You scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream! July is National Ice Cream Month, and what better way to celebrate than with a great giveaway, right? Our sponsor, Engaging Errands, along with Your Strong Tower and a great group of bloggers, is excited to be giving away a $15 Cold Stone Creamery gift card. Definitely one of my favorite places to get ice cream!

Nothing tastes better on a hot, sticky day than a refreshing bowl or cone full of your favorite ice cream. I love a waffle bowl filled with anything chocolatey – covered in whipped cream and sprinkles of course! With the heat wave that been sweeping the nation, now is a great time to indulge your sweet tooth. But hurry and enter this giveaway, because it only lasts three short days!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Contest starts on Friday, July 19th and ends on Sunday, July 21st. Open to residents of Canada and the US age 18 and up. Sunshine and Sippy Cups is not responsible for prize shipment.



  1. My favorite flavor is that I don’t have one! I love them all! :-)

  2. my favorite flavor is birthday cake!

    kolpin4680 at gmail dot com

    rafflecopter: daniel

    fyi, the pinterest link for mommies pov does not work

  3. Janet W. says

    Mint Chocolate Chip is my favorite!

  4. Terri S. says

    I love pistachio ice cream!

  5. mint chocolate chip

  6. Carolyn N. says

    My favorite flavor is cinnamon ice cream. Sometimes Cold Stone Creamery has it available. When they do not I get banana ice cream with lots of cinnamon as my add-in. Yum!
    cjnedrow at gmail dot com

  7. Joyce Harrell says

    My. Favorite is chocolate

  8. Stephanie Ann says

    I love cookies & cream!!

  9. john hutchens says

    strawberry is my favorite

  10. Ashley Joyner says

    I love chocolate chip!

  11. Colleen Boudreau says

    Cake batter!

  12. courtney hennagir says

    i love their sweet cream and banana! so good mixed with some marshmallows!

  13. Laurie J says

    Birthday Cake or Cake Batter are my favorites!

  14. I like Pralines and Cream ice cream!

  15. Samantha C. says

    I like Coffee ice cream!

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