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Unplug Your Kids: Lilliputiens Toys for Sensory Stimulation and Creative Learning

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” – Pablo Picasso… As a blogger, I obviously see the amazing value of the internet – I’m constantly connected to the web on my smartphone, my laptop, my Kindle, my iPod… You get the picture. So I’m definitely OK with my almost 3-year old having some cool tech toys – she adores learning letters on her LeapPad, and the new Ubooly we’ve been playing makes acting out imaginary scenes super fun. But – I do still love toys that really help kids develop their imagination. Toys that are simple – but clever. So many toys these days have a million flashing lights and beeping noises and moving parts – it’s almost like they play themselves, and kids just sorta follow along. So, I’m super excited to share a new toy we recently tried out that I am IN.LOVE.WITH. She’s called Ophelia, she has 4 adorable chicks, and I think you’ll love her too….

Ophelia and her chicks - great unplugged play for kids

“It is a happy talent to know how to play.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

For 70 years HABA has been inventing new lines of toys to inspire kids, and develop learning skills and imagination in a super fun and creative way. Their toys always meet the highest quality standards, and are exactly what I described above – simple, yet super clever. And – super cute too! We’ve had a few toys from HABA before, and I’ve NEVER been disappointed. {In fact, my little girl, who is a total fan of Mike the Knight lately – partly because daddy’s name is Mike – totally wants the Knight Helmet and accessories from HABA. She loves dressing up as a princess, and I love that she’s equally as excited about being a knight :)} This new set above is Ophelia and her chicks. I chose this because Abby has a big fascination with eggs lately… More than once, I’ve found her in the kitchen with a broken carton of eggs, looking for the baby chicks, lol. I thought this would really grab her attention. First thought out of the box was that it was super cute – but my oh my, there is so much more here than cuteness….

Lilliputiens toys for unplugged play

“In my soul, I am still that small child who did not care about anything else but the beautiful colors of a rainbow.” – Papiha Ghosh

Right away I noticed the amazing quality of this toy, which is from the Lilliputiens line distributed exclusively in the U.S. by HABA. See the gorgeous texture of the fabric, and the quality of the stitching? So often, kids toys are poorly made from cheap-o materials. Lilliputiens is based in Belgium and its toys are made by hand with care in Asia. The soft materials and disarming characters gain trust, while the many shapes, colors and noises will continuously challenge a child’s inquisitive spirit. Designs and fabulous fabrics are combined to give hand sewn, hand made results. And once we started playing with this set, I realized just how many amazing features this simple-seeming set of stuffed toys contained.

Unplugged toys with tons of cool features

“A man is getting old when he walks around a puddle instead of through it.” – R.C. Ferguson

This set is like a sensory extravaganza! The momma hen has a big chubby belly, and is open on the bottom so that she can “sit” on the big soft fuzzy egg that comes in the set. There are 4 little baby chicks – aren’t they adorable? – that fit into the egg. Each chick has a number on their tummy, and each colored chick corresponds to a different colored side of the egg, so they can be matched to their special opening. Also – every baby chick makes a different sound… One squeaks, one chirps, and Abby’s favorite is the one that she describes as “soooo scrunchy!!!”

Sensory toy puppet

“My childhood may be over, but that doesn’t mean playtime is.” – Ron Olson

When momma hen isn’t sitting on her egg full of chicks – Abby likes to take the egg out, and have the babies “hatch” – she becomes a hand puppet. And each of the little baby chicks turns into a finger puppet – so that little ones can play along and interact with you! Seriously, I love this. Abby and I have shared full afternoons of giggles playing with this. This toy is meant for children ages 6 months and up – but at almost 3, Abby still adores it. And it’s so well made that it will definitely hold up well enough to be used and handed down for years. It encourages parent-child role playing, recognition of numbers and colors, matching skills, and great sensory stimulation!


“Deep meaning lies often in childish play.” – Johann Friedrich von Schiller

To learn more, and stay updated on new products and promotions from HABA and all of their amazing lines of children’s toys, be sure to follow them on social media: FacebookTwitter, YouTube, Google+, and everyone’s favorite site – Pinterest. And speaking of Pinterest – check out some of my other favorite playtime must-haves on my Cool Kids Toys board.

{Big thank you to Kids Stuff PR and HABA for sending my family a complimentary toys set so that we could try out their new toys and share our experience with you. I received no other compensation, and as always – I always share the truth with you ladies. Only the best and brightest brands and products are featured here. We love Lilliputiens and know you will too!}



  1. […] from posted a great review of our Lilliptutiens Ophelie And Her Chicks. Check it […]

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