I’m excited to be partnering with Nature’s Sleep – they provided me with the memory foam pillow to try out and share my honest opinion. Because we all deserve a better night’s sleep!
A good night’s sleep… Sounds like such a simple thing, right? But after becoming a mom, it’s one of those things in life that changed. Like the size pants I fit into, the tiger stripes on my stomach, and the number of grey hairs on my head. At first, it was the newborn days… I feel like I was either feeding or pumping every hour of the day and night. But I have no idea – I was so sleep deprived it’s all a blur. Now, as an almost 3-year old, Abby sleeps pretty well. She’s on a funky sleep schedule since dad and I are both work at home parents, and she stays up late with us, and sleeps in late with daddy. But, the biggest problem for all of us is that she sleeps in our bed. And it’s a queen size bed. And none of us would go by the nickname “slim,” if you know what I mean :)
Nature’s Sleep helps us ALL get a good night’s sleep!
There she is, sleeping as peaceful and adorable as can be. {That’s her new Boo doll, she’s slept with it every night since we got it.} She was just learning to sleep in her own big girl bed last year, when she started having seizures. Her doctor recommended we have her sleep in our bed, in between us, so we would know right away when she has one during the night. She’s a little snuggler, so it started out ok. But, if you’ve ever slept with a toddler in your bed, you know how acrobatic they can be at night, lol. So, I’ve got her squirming. And the Mister snores. And we all suffer from allergies. We bought a new mattress and bed. We got new sheets. We’ve got an uh-may-zing air purifier in the bedroom to cut down on the allergens. But still – none of us were getting a good night’s sleep. Enter an amazing find – Memory Foam Pillows from Nature’s Sleep! {That’s what’s helping Abby sleep above.} I’m not exaggerating when I say that this has totally changed not just our nights – but our days too. Learn why…
Come away with me….
I’d never slept on a memory foam pillow before, so I had no idea what to expect. I mean, it’s just a pillow right, how much different could it be from what I was already using? But as you can see in the video above – it’s amazingly better than what I’d been sleeping on! The pillow we got first to try out is called the Vitex Memory Contour Pillow, and here are a few reasons why it rocks:
- It has a contoured shape, and that support helps align your spine, head and neck. This is super important for both me and the Mister, since we’ve both had back injuries in the past.
- Naturally responds to body weight and temperature. I love, love, LOVE this, since I tend to get super hot at night. I really do feel like this pillow keeps me cooler. And I love that it adjusts and supports perfectly no matter which of the three of us are sleeping on it.
- The cover is made from an allergen-resistant cotton/poly (80/20) velour. It’s just so super duper soft… Like those amazing baby blankets I was always jealous that Abby got to sleep on :) Plus, it’s removable and washable – making it practical too!
And this isn’t one of those pillows filled with foam pieces – Nature’s Sleep Memory Foam Pillows are one solid molded memory foam piece. And as you can see in the video above – they’re seriously fantastic. The foam doesn’t get all squished down – it bounces back quickly, to be constantly adjusting and supporting you while you sleep. My regular pillow just gets flat. And the biggest bonus for me? Even when it’s not my turn to sleep on it {we’re getting a second one soon, so we’ll each have our own – I can’t wait!} – the contoured shape SERIOUSLY cuts down on the Mister’s snoring. Which means a MUCH better night’s sleep for me, every time! And it means that we all feel better in the morning, since we’re not tired and grumpy from tossing and turning all night long.
Want to learn more about how Memory Foam can change your night’s for the better too?
Visit Nature’s Sleep during July to save big – 40% off Nature’s Sleep Memory Foam products using coupon code JULY40. And, did you know that Nature’s Sleep is giving away a free mattress? How awesome is that, right?
You can also follow Nature’s Sleep on Facebook, @Natures_Sleep on Twitter, Nature’s Sleep on Pinterest, and NaturesSleep on Instagram to stay updated on cool new products and promotions! And watch for the #NSAmbassador tag to see more real life experiences from other mom’s who are using Nature’s Sleep gear too.
Let’s Chat: Have you ever used a memory foam product, like a pillow or mattress? What did you think? If you haven’t tried them yet – what’s stopping you? Leave some comments below – I LOVE hearing from you guys!

looks amazing! Thanks for telling me about the contoured pillow. I did not know that they helped align the spine.
I love that it is washable!
I have never tried memory foam sleep products. Cost has always kept me back.
Oh man! I want one SO mad. I have a really bad neck & back and I hurt every single morning I wake up! I always get headaches too because my neck is sore from my dumb pillows so I bet those pillows would be amazing!
so BAD, not mad LOL
This looks like something that might give me a better night’s sleep. I’d love to try it.
It must be awesome during hot summer nights if it really keeps you cooler.
My parents have a Nature’s Sleep Memory Foam mattress and I am in love! I haven’t tried the pillows yet, but I definitely want to! Especially if it cuts down on my husband’s snoring! :)
I have such sleep problems and Nature’s Sleep sounds wonderful!
Finally something that actually looks like it will help me fall asleep. Thanks again for this opportunity
Oh I have been wanting one of these!
I’d love to try a memory foam product. I didn’t know they could help with snoring!
My son is just like me! He loves the memory foam pillows! They do help us ALL get a good night sleep! Excellent review, thanks for sharing!
How precious! I’d love to try out these products they seem like you would be sleeping on a cloud!
I love how it naturally responds to your temperature
I love that temperature won’t be an issue with this memory foam pillow!
My husband and I really want to get a memory foam mattress topper.
I haven’t used a memory foam product but my husband has used pillows for quite a while and LOVES them – great for his degenerated disks in his neck. My turn now!
I got my hubby memory foam pillow for Father’s Day and he loves it. I often sneek it away from him so now it is my turn to get a good pillow! :)
My mom can certainly use a memory foam pillow!
I need these pillows to help with my allergies!
All of their products look awesome! So hard to choose which I like the best!
I have always wanted to try a memory foam pillow. Tried most all the others and still no complete satisfaction