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What I Learned About Motherhood from Dory on Finding Nemo – #FindingDory

Parenting Advice from Dory, of Finding Nemo… I loved this movie before I even became a mom. I used to watch it all the time when my nephews would stay with me…. And admit to watching it a few times on my own too. {And yes, I cry every.single.time when the mom dies at the beginning. Darn these Disney-Pixar films pulling at my emotions!} And, with Mother’s Day around the corner {this Sunday!} I thought it was a great time to share some of the lessons I’ve learned from watching this movie so many times. Dory may or may not be a mother {would she remember?} – but she has some great lessons to teach us about motherhood….

Dory quotes on motherhood ©2013 Disney?Pixar. All Rights Reserved.

Just Keep Swimming

If there was ever a cartoon quote that was perfect for moms – this is it! Motherhood is beautiful, but filled with challenges and chaos. You have to learn to let go of any ideas of perfection – perfectly behaved kids, perfectly clean home, perfectly matched shoes… {What? Don’t tell me I’m the ONLY one who’s left the house in two different flip flops? Zebra on the left and pink on the right is a fashion statement, right? Right.} As a mom, you have to learn to just roll with it all. To relax. And most of all – to just keep swimming, no matter how hard things get.

Well, you can’t never let anything happen to him, then nothing would ever happen to him

I love this line. It’s something I constantly struggle with as a mom, already. {Abby will be 3 in late July.} I had always thought that I’d be the “cool” mom – the type who was super lenient, few rules, giving lots of freedom. But then she came into my life, and my momma bear side that I didn’t even know existed came out! I want to wrap her in bubble wrap before putting her IN a bubble, never let her leave the house without me, and protect her from all of the scary things out there in the world. Every day we hear about scary new stories {ohmyheck, like those 3 kidnapped girls in Ohio?? I get scary-chills every time I hear more about that.} But like Dory says, if you never let anything happen to them, then nothing will ever happen to them. Life is filled with disappointments, but also amazing adventures. We have to let our kids experience the ups and the downs, to grow into well-rounded adults. It’s hard, but little by little, we have to learn to let go….

I look at you, and I’m home

This is such a sweet line in the movie… Makes me tear up a little thinking about it. Especially as a mother. Dory says this to Nemo’s dad as he tries to leave – telling him that while her whole life is often incredibly confusing for her, somehow just looking at him makes her feel better. Helps her remember who she is, what her purpose is, where she’s going and what she cares about. That’s how I feel about my family… After a long super-stressful day, when I’m frazzled, exhausted, and starting to get a wee bit grumpy – A hug, snuggle, and “mommy, I love you” from Abby reminds me that it’s all worth it, and that I’m right where I’m supposed to be.

Finding Dory - Coming November, 2015

Want even more Dory?

Well, you’re in luck! It’s a long wait – but I am totally sure it’ll be worth it when the follow up to Finding Nemo comes out… Watch for Finding Dory, in theaters November 2015! {Squeeeeee!!!!!} Here’s a little sneak peek at what you have to look forward to:

According to Stanton, “Finding Dory” takes place about a year after the first film, and features returning favorites Marlin, Nemo and the Tank Gang, among others. Set in part along the California coastline, the story also welcomes a host of new characters, including a few who will prove to be a very important part of Dory’s life.  Director and Pixar veteran Andrew Stanton takes audiences back to the extraordinary underwater world created in the original film. “There is no Dory without Ellen,” said Stanton. “She won the hearts of moviegoers all over the world—not to mention our team here at Pixar. One thing we couldn’t stop thinking about was why she was all alone in the ocean on the day she met Marlin. In ‘Finding Dory,’ she will be reunited with her loved ones, learning a few things about the meaning of family along the way.”

And what does the voice of Dory, Ellen DeGeneres have to say about her starring role in the upcoming film? Something entertaining, as usual :): “I have waited for this day for a long, long, long, long, long, long time,” said DeGeneres. “I’m not mad it took this long. I know the people at Pixar were busy creating ‘Toy Story 16.’ But the time they took was worth it. The script is fantastic. And it has everything I loved about the first one: It’s got a lot of heart, it’s really funny, and the best part is—it’s got a lot more Dory.”

Be sure to follow Finding Dory on Facebook and Disney-Pixar on Twitter – for more fun updates on the film as they’re released!

What’s your favorite parenting advice from an animated film? Share with me in the comments below. And be sure to check out my Disney Fun board on Pinterest….

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 {I didn’t receive any compensation for this post… I just love the movie, and wanted to share some of my favorite moments with you guys. Can’t wait until November 2015!}



  1. My favorite line from Finding Nemo, which I may not have exactly right, is when Nemo is following Dory and she has forgotten that he is behind her and she says “why are you following me?”….I say that to my kids sometimes. They laugh so hard. I am so serious. Ha. Finding Nemo is a favorite around my house as well. You just can’t go wrong with that. Toy Story 16…hahahahahaa

  2. This is one of the one’s that I am most excited about seeing :) Dory is my favorite and these quotes are so great!!

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