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Magically make family videos on your smartphone in minutes

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting, to share how Magisto makes it easy as magic to create family videos on your smartphone. I received a promotional code for premium features to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.

New app for smartphones makes editing and creating family videos super simple: Meet Magisto!!… One challenge that most of us  as busy moms have is figuring out what to do with all of the million photos and videos we take of the family on our smartphones. {I have HUNDREDS of family photos on my iPhone!} And so many of my videos are just random clips, short moments, long videos where there are only a couple of fun parts – you know what I mean, right? Well – I have a super smart solution that you’re going to love, I just know it. {I’m crazy in love, and I’ve only been using it for a couple of days! It’s called Magisto – it’s available for Android and iPhone, it’s free, and it magically takes any videos and photos you give it, and edits it all together to make super fun videos. You can check out an example below…

Magically make family videos in minutes

Here’s how it works: Earlier today I went to the Magisto app on my phone, and then clicked on the create video button. After that, it pulled up all of my recent photos and videos from today, and asked if I wanted to use those, or look for others. I clicked on today’s photos, since we’re on a little family vacation in Cannon Beach, Oregon right now. I seriously just clicked on a random handful of today’s photos and videos, then picked from their included “themes” and music. In about 2 minutes it let me know my video was ready. So fun.

I love how even if you don’t have perfect material to work with – Magisto makes the videos look so super cool. And what’s even cooler is that you never know what your video will look like… You can take the same set of photos and videos {or just a video} – each different them you pick will give you a different result in the way the video is edited – depending on the style and the music chosen. I am quickly getting totally addicted to this!! Want to see a super amazing example? Check out this one that Joan Osborne created using Magisto.

Tips for using Magisto App to Create Family Videos

This app is crazy-easy to use, as soon as you upload it, promise. I’m always tech challenged {how do I run a blog? No idea… Lol} – and this was super intuitive. And there really is no way to mess it up! But, there are some best practices that can help your videos come out even better:

  • Make sure to take your videos horizontally – they fit into the Magisto screen better. If you use video taken when your phone is in the traditional upright way, you’ll get black bars on each side of the screen.
  • Use enough footage – a minute or more of video give the app a lot more to work with. I’m amazed at how it uses it magic to find the best moments, the coolest shots, and make them all fit with the music! The more you give it to work with, the better results it can create.
  • Upgrade – if you upgrade your account you can add more photos. {The free version only lets you add 5.} You get more downloads and other cool features too. Trust me, so worth it. And… Until the end of May, follow these directions to get a 3 free download upgrade: Once you’re in the app, go to Settings > Get Free Downloads > Redeem Coupon > Put in code MomsRule.

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