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“Because I’m Your Dad” – the Perfect Way to Celebrate Dad this Father’s Day

“Because I’m your dad, you can have spaghetti for breakfast, French toast for dinner, and rocky road ice cream in the bathtub” Father’s Day is just around the corner, making it a great time to take a few moments to stop and think about all of the amazing dads in our lives. Dads who helped bring you into the world, dads who adopted you, men who were like a dad to you, the dad to your children, friends and family who are rockin’ the job of dad. So what better time to share an amazing book that we have totally fallen in love with here in my home, called “Because I’m Your Dad” – right?

Because I'm Your Dad

Because I’m Your Dad, by Ahmet Zappa

Ahmet Zappa is the son of late rock musician/composer Frank Zappa and, as he puts it, “My awesome mother, Gail.” Because I’m Your Dad is both a tribute to his happy childhood and a promise to his daughter, Halo. Ahmet grew up with a learning disability and now writes books to help children discover how wonderful reading can be. Through his production company, Monsterfoot Productions, Ahmet has developed several television shows and movies, including “The Odd Life of Timothy Green.” {And if you saw the film, you know he’s an absolutely amazing storyteller. Like, stellar.}

Celebrate all the Dads in your life this Father’s Day

If you’re looking for some fun Father’s Day ideas, I’ve got a whole board of pins that are all about dad – from bacon and beer based recipes, to creative DIY gift ideas – on my Father’s Day Pinterest board. And speaking of DIY – check out this adorable set of Printable “Fun Time with Dad” Coupons that you can use to make your own free gift for dad. And why not include a copy of this super fun book too? {Buy it here – Because You’re My Dad official site.} It’s got a really great message – uplifting and positive, and a great way to share with any dad in your life that you love and appreciate them. But it’s not too mushy or sappy, and the rhyming text is silly enough to make the little ones giggle as you read it. Get a feel for it here:

Why this book rocks

In a text that’s both playful and loving, a father expresses his hopes and dreams for a one-of-a-kind relationship with his child. Whimsical monster characters bring the silly and sweet scenes to life and keep the book universal. The book’s ending, a moving tribute to the author’s father, guarantees intergenerational appeal.

Father's Day book prize package

Want to get your hands on a free copy of this adorable book?

Get ready to fall in love before you’re even done reading this book for the first time, and be prepared for it to become the most requested story in your home. One of you will win a free copy of Because I’m Your Dad, plus a fun set of bongo drums to play along! Enter below using the easy peasy Rafflecopter form. Have fun & good luck!

Because I’m your dad, I will do all of these things for you and more . . .
because that’s what my dad did for me.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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