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Waffles and Gravy Recipe

If you love simple solutions for busy moms on a budget – be sure to check out my Pinterest boards: Momma in the Kitchen, and Frugal Tips for Busy Moms. And don’t miss my MOST popular post ever: 10 Ways to Make Money from Home – that’s been pinned over 270,000 times!

For 7 days, I’ll be celebrating my family’s love of all things waffle by working with Eggo to put together a week’s worth of “out of the box” style recipes, to celebrate the Great Eggo Waffle Off contest {see details below}. For today’s recipe, we created a “Breakfast for Dinner” style meal, featuring the Eggo Homestyle waffles. It.Was.Amazing.

waffles and gravy

Waffles and Sausage Gravy 

One of my favorite things ever is biscuits and gravy. So, I thought it might be fun to change it up – we swapped in Eggo waffles instead of biscuits, added a bunch of maple sausage into the gravy to make it heartier for a dinnertime meal, and topped it with gooey melted cheese and crispy bacon bits. {Because everything is better with bacon!} It was so simple, and the slightly sweet flavor of the waffles perfectly complimented the maple flavor of the sausage gravy. Seriously, amazing.

waffles and gravy recipe with eggos

Recipe For Eggo Waffles and Sausage Gravy

Waffles and Gravy Recipe –


  • Eggo Waffles - Any variety
  • 1 1/2 lb Maple Sausage
  • 1 stick of butter
  • 1/3 cup flour
  • 2 cups of milk
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Shredded cheddar cheese and crumbled bacon if desired


  1. Cook the maple sausage on medium heat until well done.
  2. Melt one stick of butter in a pan - but don't let it burn. Once melted, quickly add the flour and milk, and stir continuously for about 8 minutes.
  3. Turn heat to low, and let gravy thicken for a minute or two. Add salt and pepper to taste - I prefer lots of coarse ground pepper.
  4. Toast the Eggo waffles extra crispy, so that they hold up well with the thickness of the gravy.
  5. Place your toasted waffles on a plate, top with the gravy. And if you're not on a diet {lol} - sprinkle some shredded cheese and crispy bacon bits on top.
  6. Eat and enjoy with a smile :)

{Disclosure: I received complimentary Eggo products to assist me in creating and tasting recipes to promote and inspire others to enter The Great Eggo Waffle Off Contest. I’m a huge fan of Eggo and all opinions, recipes, and photos are 100% my own.}


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