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Learn How to Limit Additives in Kids Medicines

Treating cold and flu in kids – as simply and naturally as possible… When treating any type of illness, it’s best to take a “less is more” approach to treating it. This is important for every family – but is extra important for us. Keep reading to find out why, and learn an easy way to be sure that the medicines you use to treat your kid’s colds and flu symptoms are as simple as possible – free of yucky additives.

Kids and seizures - treating fever to reduce chance of seizure

Some of you ladies may already know about my little girl Abby, and her seizure disorder

Abby had her first one last year, and the doctor’s had hoped at that time that it was a febrile seizure, which I was surprised to learn was actually pretty common. I’d never even heard of it before, but it’s a type of seizure that’s rarely harmful, and is related to the process that happens in kids when they spike a fever. But then, unfortunately, she had another one. Then another. Over the next 5 months she had them regularly, and we had to make the 2 1/2 hour drive to Seattle Children’s Hospital over and over, for testing and procedures. They never found a cause – but it’s not often that they do. For now, she’s diagnosed with “unexplained seizure disorder” – and started a medication called Keppra right before Thanksgiving. {I’ll share an update on things in a post soon – including our big challenges with starting meds, and a danger we didn’t even know about until recently.} Since then, she has been totally seizure-free! But, we still have to take some precautions…

Little Remedies infant acetaminophen


Treating Kid’s Fever as simply as possible

While Abby’s seizures weren’t caused by a fever – a fever can still be a trigger. And, the biggest trigger we’ve found for her seizures is being exhausted – which is more likely to happen when she’s got a cold or flu, and can’t get enough sleep. So treating a fever right away is incredibly important for us. Another thing that is super important to me is to do as much as I can to reduce the amount of additives that Abby is exposed to in her life – I made her homemade baby food with the Baby Brezza when she was little, I try to limit fast food and other junk food {we’re not perfect, but I do my best} – and I read labels like crazy. So – I was absolutely thrilled to learn about Little Remedies: This is an easy to find, totally affordable line of kids meds that are made from as few ingredients as possible.

  • Each Little Remedies product has only what is needed to treat the symptoms and help your kiddo feel better faster. They’re all free from things like saccharin, alcohols, artificial colors and flavorings, dyes, and other harmful preservatives. 
  • One of my favorite products is the Infant Acetaminophen – it can be really tough to find a medicine for babies under a year. It’s gluten-free, and contains no parabens or dyes. It also comes with a really clever dosing system, to make it just about fool-proof to get the exact dose you need to safely treat fevers fast.
  • Another really, really great product is their Honey Elixer to treat coughs. You might already know how effective natural honey can be in treating a cough in kids – and this just expands on that effectiveness by adding a few other helpful ingredients, while still being free of harmful additives. {Just like any honey product, this is not for babies under a year old.}

I know that for many mom’s, it’s easy to assume that all of those additives, dyes, and artificial ingredients must be safe, since they’re so widespread in the products you find. But – more studies are coming out every single day, detailing the possible dangers associated with different additives. The more you can limit your families exposure to artificial ingredients that have no benefits – and possible risks – the better off you’ll be. And while this can be a really tough job for a busy mom – products like Little Remedies at least make it simpler when it comes to shopping for your medicine cabinet essentials!

Little Remedies Pain Fever and Cough Remedies

Learn more on their website – And if you have any questions about their line of products, stop by and chat on their Facebook page.

{Disclaimer: I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Little Remedies. I received product samples as well as a promotional item as a thank-you for participating.}


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