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Winter Blogathon 2013 Kickoff – Join Me! #Blogathon2

Who’s ready to party?? Then join me all weekend at the best party around – the Winter Blogathon 2013 Kickoff! You’ll meet new people, learn awesomely amazing new tips, get to party with us on Twitter, get a TON of blogging work accomplished – and just to add some whipped cream on top of all that sweetness – You’ll also have the chance to win some super cool prizes too. How much better can you get, right? It’s not too late to join in the fun – let me break down real quick how it works…

Biannual Blogathon Bash

 Join the Kickoff for the Biannual Blogathon Bash!

Ok, first of all you’ll want to write an intro post like this one, sharing what you’re excited about, and what you hope to accomplish. For me – I am SO ready to take on all of the mini-challenges that the other bloggers have put together. I love learning new things. And what I really love about the challenges is that not only do you learn something new, but there’s an action to take at the end, to really push you to get things accomplished. Love that. It was SO helpful for me last time! {My challenge this time is How to Find Paid Blogging Opps.} Once you write your post, link it up here on the kickoff post.

Prizes and challenges

After you link up, check out all of the prizes, and fill out the form with your favorites. Then get started on completing some of those great mini-challenges! And don’t forget to follow the fun on Twitter too – #blogathon2! Ok ladies – let’s party!



  1. I wish you the best in finding them as I would love to have some as well. In the meantime check out my post

  2. I am trying to go by and visit everyone from the blogathon! (And follow on twitter/pinterest/fb..i’m doing good except on the FB..that always takes me longer!) (i’m xxpollypocket on pinterest and twitter and nicholes.autumn.rain is my fb page)

    I hope you accomplished a lot. I didn’t get as much done as i’d have liked, but…there is always next time! :)

    My post is here

    hope to see you around and get to interact with you/ get to know eachother better and all that :)

    we may or may have not met at reviewers retreat last year! :)

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