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How to Create a Gratitude Journal with a Free Memory Jar Printable

Free Memory Jar Printable… For the new year, I haven’t quite finished writing down, planning for, and deciding on all of my goals. {I’m close though.} But, there are a family goals that I did decide on – I want to build some better routines, so that I’m not so stressed with work and homemaking tasks, and can really live “in the moment” with Abby more often. I want to make sure we celebrate the little things more often. I want to make sure I really and truly show and tell my family how much I love and appreciate them – I want them to feel valued. And, I want to practice gratitude in my life daily. I already tend towards being one of those optimistic, Pollyanna-ish types who always find the silver lining on their glass that’s half full. But I know that I have so much to be grateful for, and want to ensure that I focus my energy and thoughts on that in 2013, versus getting down about any of my challenges.

Gratitude Jar Printable

Free Memory Jar Printable Download from Paper Coterie

This is such a genius idea – Instead of trying to keep up with a daily journal, scrapbook, or other record-keeping, why not simplify it all, and break it down to a super-doable way of capturing those great moments in your life? Yep, Paper Coterie, my absolute hands-down favorite paper products company, is giving you a free Memory Jar Printable to use this year. How awesome is that, right? They make it so easy to keep your memories alive by recording them for the future. Keep reading to learn how it works…

Journaling gratitude printables

Start your own Gratitude Journal in 2013

Here’s how it works – Print out the prompts, the jar label, and the bookplate. Put all of those prompts into your Gratitude Jar, and then simply pull one out each week, tape to your journal page, {use a cool vintage Paper Tape for some fun style} and then write a little page once a week, using that prompt to guide you. Super easy, and super meaningful.

Paper Coterie

Paper Coterie is a circle of friends who are passionate about documenting the beauty of life well lived. Whether it’s in a photo book, guest book, journal, or one of their custom personalized books, they’ll help you capture the memories you want to save and share. Want to document your growing child? Don’t worry. They’ve got that covered. Choose from one of their awesome personalized growth charts, wall décor posters, baby books, or shower guest books. Want to join Paper Coterie as an affiliate? They rock, and you’ll love learning about the newest products too.




  1. I love this idea! It’s so important to take a few moments each day to be happy with the good things in our lives.

  2. Oh, I’m off to print this right now. I never thought about something like this but its an awesome idea. Thanks for posting!

  3. This is such a great idea. So many people will find life is not as horrid when they actually sit down and list out the blessings over what they don’t have.

  4. a small assignment like that once a week – I think I can manage it! I need to get myself a cute journal, first. :) I used to write in one all the time. . .

  5. I love the idea of this! I think I may use it on my blog as I don’t keep a “personal” journal. I hope that’s ok with you. I will give you credit. :o)

  6. This is such a great idea. I may even do this. I think I can, I think I can…

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