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Enter a Level of Geekiness – Get a Great Gift Suggestion, Slot Machine Style

“Tech the halls with gear and gadgets, Fa La La La”… Did you sing it in your head as you read that? I do, lol. Anyway, you know that I’m a gadget junkie, right? And I’ve shared some of my very favorites of this year’s hottest gifts with you the past two weeks, to help guide your holiday shopping. If you missed ’em: Best gifts for gals, Cool toys for kids, Gifts to make teens think you’re cool, and rad gift ideas for dudes. Well, if you need even MORE inspiration, this Geek Gift Guide can come to the rescue! It’s a super funny way to find the perfect gift using your receiver’s interests, your price range and their degree of geekiness – Slot machine style! Check it out:

Rackspace — Geek Gift Guide: Find The Perfect Gift For The Geek In Your Life

Let me know what you think!!




  1. This is a very cool thing. I spun the geek gift guide and got the Dr. Who USB hub, which my friend would love!

  2. great idea

  3. cathy henatyszen says

    wow… I spun, but no prize…hehe…

    cool idea though

  4. Karen Glatt says

    I like the Geek gift suggestions! Do I not know that I need to have help when trying to buy gifts for the men in my life! I like the Slot machine style!

  5. Lesli Robertson says


  6. Landed on Yoda

  7. What a great idea! I spun and not a winner :( LOL!


  9. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    This is a cool idea. I spun and they recommended Ollivanders wands

  10. Calshondra Williams says

    I think these are all wonderful ideas.

  11. I don’t know about the Geek in my life but I would sure like to have the Barbarque Boat!!!

  12. It recommended a Hans Solo Ice Tray to me…haha! Something to think about!

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