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5 Gifts to Make the Kids Think You’re Cool this Christmas

“He’s making a list, and checking it twice, Gonna find out Who’s naughty and nice. Santa Claus is coming to town…” – Yep, it’s that time of year again. Santa’s been watching. He knows what you’ve been up to. Like the slightly stalkerific song says, “He sees you when you’re sleeping, he knows when you’re awake. He knows if you’ve been good or bad so be good for goodness sake…” I’m definitely a child at heart, all year round. Having Abby two years ago gave me a great excuse to make too many cookies, buy too many cool toys {that are slightly for me, too}, and put up too many decorations. The holidays totally make me remember what it was like to be a kid – all of that crazy-exciting anticipation for Santa to come, wondering what amazing gifts you’d get. And wondering if all that bad stuff your brothers did all year will catch up with them this year, finally…

Bring my brother a big ol’ box of rocks…

But alas, year after year, Santa seemed totally oblivious to the mischief that my brothers had been up to all year, and still brought them good stuff. *Sigh* But, now that I’m grown up, and have learned that the role of Santa Claus falls to me, I love filling my goodie bag with some awesome toys and treats for my little one. And since she definitely is NOT in the “box of rocks” category, here are a few of my very favorite toys this year, all available at your local Best Buy…

Brave: A princess that kicks buttOk, this one is a favorite of mine for any little girl this year. Not just because it’s an awesome film – which it is. Not just because it’s wildly popular and sure to be a hit with anyone – which is true. But because it, again, reminds me of my own childhood. When I was a little girl, Star Wars was the first movie I ever saw in a theater. I was totally transformed by seeing it – Princess Leia, she was a beautiful princess, sure. But she also totally kicked butt! I loved that sassy combo. And Merida {the heroine of the movie Brave} is just the same way. Love that.

Kids LeapPad pinkThe LeapPad is just one of the coolest little kid toys out there. I am just blown away by how high tech kids gear is these days. Is anyone else old enough to remember when Atari came out? {Or does that make me super duper old? If it does – then shoosh. Don’t wanna hear it…} I mean, this bad boy has a camera, records video, plays games, and more. And – it’s sturdy enough to hold up to toddler play. Seriously a must-have. And if you know a kiddo who already has a LeapPad, they’d definitely appreciate a LeapCenter App Center Gift Certificate too – so they can add some super cool new games, books, videos and apps.

Milkshake makerDoes your milkshake bring all the boys to the yard? {Sorry, I couldn’t help throwing that in…} But seriously – What kiddo wouldn’t be super stoked to get their own super sleek milkshake making machine, right? Throw in a little basket of syrups, sprinkles, and cool cups – and you just made yourself mom/aunt/grandma/whatever of the year. For reals.

Vtech robot for kidsOk, this gadget isn’t maybe quite as high tech as you usually think when you picture Best Buy. But while he may not have quite the computing power of an iPad {shhh, don’t tell HIM that!} – he’s cuter than all heck, and any toddler in your life is going to fall in love with him. He is the Vtech – Cogsley Learning Robot. Abby played with him at a friend’s house – she calls him Mr. Bobot. And Mr. Bobot teaches kiddos their letters, numbers, and other must-haves in a super cool way. Love this little guy!

skylanders giants for wiiLast, but ohboyohboy not least – is the hottest video game of the season, Skylanders Giants!! We got this recently for the Wii, and it is seriously cool. I mean, I play a lot of video games – but this really does set itself apart. When you buy this cool starter set, you get the video game itself – plus a “Power Portal” and three awesome action figures. What this does, is give you a more interactive way of playing a video game – when you put any of the action figures onto the portal, you add them right into your game. This totally changes the game, and gives you almost limitless options. Watch for a review coming soon…

Best Buy Blogging Board Member and Brand AmbassadorAs a Best Buy Blogging Board Member and Brand Ambassador – I get the lucky job of getting to learn about all of the most awesome stuff available at Best Buy, and then get to share it all with you! All of these picks are 100% my own choices – LOVE this stuff, and think you {and the little peeps in your life} will too. Happy Holidays!

To see more cool stuff available at Best Buy – Check out my BEST BUY WOLF board on Pinterest too!




  1. michelle warner says

    awsome toys, my kids would love every single one of these

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