Cold sores are nasty little buggers, aren’t they? And they can totally ruin your day any time of year – but especially at the holidays, when you have lots of special occasions, parties, and pictures being taken. Almost everyone has been exposed to the virus that causes cold sores – about 90% of us, when we were kids. But only about 2-40% of peeps are the unlucky ones, who regularly get outbreaks of ’em. If you get a big ol’ nasty one, it can totally stop you from wanting to see people – which means no parties, no dates, no fun times. But – there is a trick to help you totally prevent them. Keep reading…
How to avoid getting yucky cold sores – Stop hiding, and spend more time having holiday fun!
There are a lot of things that you can do to avoid getting cold sores. Stress and fatigue, which are both pretty common during this hectic time of year, can both lower your immune system, which leads to a higher likelihood of an outbreak. The combination of cold, dry air and the icy winter wind can really dry out your lips and cause a cold sore. And a cold, fever, or flu can also leave your body run down, and not able to fend of an outbreak well. You can’t avoid all of these things, obviously. But taking a few precautions – like making time to relax and recharge, using a super moisturizing lip balm, or stocking up cold products to help you bounce back quicker when you do get sick – they can all go a long ways towards avoiding a yucky outbreak this year.
My Secret Cold Sore Fighting Weapon…
I have one favorite secret weapon to avoiding cold sores, and it’s totally affordable and easy to find. But – there are lots of copy-cat cold sore meds out there in the drugstore aisles, trying to catch your attention. They make a lot of the same claims that my secret-weapon does, and some even have a similar style of packaging. But my super hero cold sore fighter – Abreva – is the only over-the-counter med that’s FDA approved to make an ugly cold sore go away faster. Here’s how you 1-2-3 BAM – knock those cold sores out:
- 1. As SOON as you feel that familiar tingling or burning feeling, apply some Abreva right to the spot, right away.
- 2. Make sure you remove all cosmetics BEFORE applying Abreva.
- 3. And – if you’re putting on an make-up AFTER using Abreva, use a clean, disposable-style applicator, like a cotton swab. That way you don’t spread any germs.
And that’s it – then it’ll work it’s magic! See, when your immune system is lowered from stress or sickness – or you have a trauma to the body like super dried out or split lips – the virus that causes the cold sore, that yucky virus that you’ve been carrying for years – is able to jump into action. If you don’t do anything, it’ll usually result in a visible breakout – a cold sore. But if you treat right away with Abreva, you can avoid many of those break outs – and the ones you do get will almost always be less severe. I’ve relied on this for years – and totally swear by it. Figured it was about time I shared my secret trick with the rest of you who might need it!
Tell me: Do you suffer from cold sores? How do you treat them? Leave me some comments below…
{Disclaimer: Disclaimer: I am participating in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Abreva, and received free product and compensation in return for my participation. Photo credit: malloreigh via photopin cc.}

I don’t suffer from cold sores but I do get canker sores. I wonder if Abreva would treat those, usually I just hope my canker sores go away
I think the key is acting fast, when one first feels that tingling! An easy remedy which I’ve found to work well is an alum rock … just wet it and rub it on the spot. It works well if it’s used immediately. I’d like to try Abeva for those times when I’m not as fast catching them! :-)
#1 tip works perfect for m. As SOON as you feel that familiar tingling or burning feeling, apply some Abreva right to the spot, right away. Thanks for sharing with us.
I’m lucky so far I’ve never suffered from cold sores but Abreva sounds like a great product
I get them all the time, mostly when I’m stressed out. I guess my only tip is “don’t pick them”..they can spread and get infected. Yuck.
Tip 1 and tip 3 work the best. Thanks for these tips
i’m been pretty lucky i haven’t had one in years but if i start to get that feeling i will go out and buy some abreva for sure!
I get cold sores once in awhile and try to ride them out.
After reading this post – next time I’m getting Abreva.
Thank you.
i like the cotton swab idea
i haven’t had one in years
Wow– I have only had two of these–so the only thing I know is what I have been told and what you recommend here–and that Abreva reaaly works–so I think this something we should have here in our house
i think keeping your hands clean and away from the sore!
That’s great! Though i think we don’t have that in my country.
I have never had a cold sore. My sister gets them and swears by Abreva. Great tips! I will be sure to pass them on to my sister. I didn’t know they could spread so easily.
I do not suffer from cold sores. These are really good tips though, espeecially about applying abreva RIGHT away!