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Resources and Support for Women in Small Businesses – #SmallBizSat

“If you stay ready, you don’t have to get ready…” – Will Smith…. Are you a mom with a mission? Are you a writer, a crafter, a blogger, an inventor, or a direct sales woman? If you’re a mom running a small business, you know that while your job might be one of those most challenging occupations there is – it’s also the most rewarding, right? I know that while I work harder now running my own business than I ever did in any of my management jobs before this – I absolutely love what I do.

Small Business Saturday - women in business quotesI’ve always been a big supporter of women in business. When I was just 15 1/2 I got my first job, working the counter at McDonalds in the mall. That was followed by jobs in retail, where I quickly moved into management. I also sold Avon on the side for a few years – and had a ton of success with it. I sometimes miss doing sales, and hope to get back into it again when Abby gets a little older, and my days are slightly less hectic. {Have you seen the adventures that this toddler of mine gets herself into?} Until then, I’m working on running this site, starting a site for mompreneurs in January, writing my Frugal Living column, and… Well, all of the other consulting, freelance writing, crafting, cooking, and diaper changing that I do each day. I definitely am a busy woman!

Small Business Saturday - women in business quotes - November 24thAs a supporter of small businesses, last year I started a Direct Sales Directory, to help promote some of my favorite ladies who were running their own businesses. Unfortunately, with all the craziness of the past 6 months, it kind of got pushed aside a bit. I plan to totally revamp it this January, and build it back up into a really helpful resource to help us all have a one-stop-shop to buy from other women. I’d much rather use my limited budget to support other small businesses than another big box store, you know? I’m also part of an awesome giveaway event right now – Shop from Your Seat Showcase! – that supports small business women. I was a part of this event last year with CEO of Me, and love it!

Small Business Saturday - Shop small, shop localSmall Business Saturday is coming up on November 24th – it’s a day to get together with friends and family, and get out to shop your favorite local businesses. Not just women owned businesses – anyone local that would love to see your support! We all know how important it is, and this is a day to celebrate those amazing entrepreneurs right in our own communities. Grab a latte from the corner shop instead of Starbucks, eat lunch at a local bistro instead of McDonalds, and use the Small Business Saturday website to find more small businesses to support – just type in your zipcode to get started.

More Small Business Resources:

If you’re a small business owner, or know someone who could use a little boost, you’ll definitely want to share these resources with them.

  • Small Business Saturday: Find them online, or follow them on Facebook, for lots of updates and free offers to help you celebrate SBS this year.
  • Small Business Administration: The SBA has a special section of their site just for women business owners – you will find amazing amounts of information here. I’ve been reading the SBA site for over a year now, and always learn something new.
  • Mompact: This is an awesome site that I partner with often – if you need blogging tips, business advice or help, or just want to find a great community of other mompreneurs to connect with, this site is for you!
  • Merchant Circle: If you have a physical business, you can list it on for free. Then use this site to search your city for cool places to check out too.

And if you are a small business owner too – leave me some comments! What are your biggest challenges, and biggest rewards? What do you love most about your job?

Are you planning to help support your local community by shopping local on Small Business Saturday too? If so – spread the word with a tweet!

{Disclaimer: I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for American Express. I received a promotional item as a thank-you for participating.}



  1. Hands down I agree: you have to love what you do and you will succeed in life. Passion in what you do brings followers. Thanks for sharing the great business tips. Life definitely goes by through supporting small businesses! Great post. Thanks!

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