“Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon.” – Doug Larson… Do you struggle to get your kids to eat healthy snacks? We do pretty well in my house – but when they’re bombarded by commercials for sugary treats, fat-loaded snacks, or toy-filled fast food meals – it can be a bit rough. But, as smart mommas, we always have a few tricks in our toolbelts, right? Whether it’s sneaky – err, I mean creative – ways to get kids to eat more veggies, frozen meals that are high on convenience but still low on fat and yucky additives, or new ways to make whole grain sandwiches more fun – I’m always hunting for the best new ideas and products to keep us eating great, while still staying on a budget, and keeping it all low prep.
Ok, I admit it – I like to shop. That’s probably why I enjoy grocery shopping as much as I do – we’re on such a tight budget that just about the only shopping I get to do these days is at the supermarket, lol. But honestly – while it’s a chore that most of the moms I know can’t stand, I really do enjoy making meal plans, cutting coupons to pair with sales, and then browsing a bit while we shop to find really cool new time-saving products to try out each week. {Shop at Walmart often? Learn a new trick on how to be updated on awesome new products they’ll be adding each month.} But sometimes the selection can get a little overwhelming! I wanted to try some new fruit cup options for the kids, maybe something fall flavored – but MANohMAN – do you see how many options there are to choose from?
Well – if you’re scanning the aisles trying to make a decision too, lemme give ya a little bit of help. One product that you have just GOT to give a try are these great Del Monte fruit cups, featuring apples, pears, and other great kid-friendly fruits, available at all local Walmarts. Why do they rock? Each cup is a full serving of fruit, at only 60 calories per serving – plus they’re gluten free, and do NOT include high fructose corn syrup! Now how often do you find THOSE qualities in a kids snack, right? Or even a mom snack for that matter? And the price comes out to a little over .50 cents per cup – making them a perfect fit into any moms grocery budget. {Need tips on using coupons?}
Since these were absolutely perfect for what I was looking for – healthy snacks that fit our budget, that I know the kids will love, and are in my price range – I threw several of each of the varieties into my cart. I grabbed Diced Apples & Pears with Caramel Flavor, and the since they didn’t have the Diced Pears with Vanilla & Spice that I had hoped to find, I grabbed the Diced Peaches with Cinnamon & Brown Sugar instead. {See the rest of our shopping trip here on Google+.}
Once home, I was super excited to try these out. The first one that we sampled was the Diced Apples & Pears with Caramel Flavor. OhmyHECK, ladies – to die for. It’s not a super sweet taste, not heavily syruped or artificial tasting. It’s just the light flavor of fresh apples and pears – with a really yummy hint of caramel on top. I’m back on a diet again {remember how I lost 20 pounds with Nutrisystem earlier this year?} – and while I’m not being too strict with myself over the holidays, I’m always lovin’ a new option that satisfies my sweet tooth in a healthy way. These rock. And to jazz ’em up a bit and make them for fun at dessert time – we created parfaits! These spiced fruits layered with fat-free whipped cream, with a quick shake of some chocolate sprinkles, and the addition of the always kid-approved maraschino cherry, add up to an awesomely healthy dessert option that kids will love anytime – whether as an after school snack on special occasions, after dinner goodie, or for holiday fun.
Want to learn more? Check out Del Monte online, or follow them on Twitter and Facebook to get updates on new products and promotions. And if you want more smart snacking inspiration – check out my Fun Kids Foods board on Pinterest. Or, see my weight loss board for more healthy eating tips.
{Disclosure: I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Del Monte #CBias #SocialFabric. All photos, overuse of exclamation points and the word awesome, are 100% my own.}

Those desserts look divine! My kids would gobble them up!
I can’t wait to find these at Walmart! I found some we like from Whole Paycheck (whole foods ;), but they are a little pricey. I’ll have to check these out