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Gadget Giveaway: Win a Kindle & 5 Free eBooks!

Who wants a Kindle??… Well, I’m raising MY hand, that’s for sure. I’ve been debating buying one for a year now – but every time I have a few extra bucks saved up, there’s something that someone else in the family truly needs, like a new coat, boots, or another darn fix for the car. So I’m still waiting…. But – one of YOU lucky readers won’t have to wait much longer – You’ve got the chance to win a new Kindle, plus 5 super sweet ebooks to add to it right away! Saaaah-weeeet, right?

Kindle for free

This giveaway is open to US ONLY and will end at 11:59 pm on December 5th. Enter on the Rafflecopter form below. Good luck! Give Oh Giveaway is not responsible for prize fulfillment!

The Key of Kilenya
The Ember Gods
The Music of Anna Morse
August Fortress
Britnell Manor

Use the easy peasy Rafflecopter form below to enter to win – the more entries you complete, the more chances you have to win this fab prize. {Would you keep it, or give it as a gift for the holidays? Share your vote here!} And if you’re feelin’ lucky, scroll down my sidebar and enter to win all of the rest of the awesome prizes that I’m giving away this month too.

Have fun & Good luck!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. Kimberly Senior says

    Thank you so much to everyone for the opportunity to win this contest. I’d like to say that I would be selfish and keep the kindle if I won it because I’m a single mom and could never afford to buy one. However, in all reality I would more than likely give it to my mom. We are both avid readers and would use the heck out of a kindle. But my mom is such an amazing person and has done so much for my daughter and I that giving her the kindle, if i won it, would be a nice way to thank her for all she’s done. Neither one of us buy ourselves things because all our money goes to our children and my mom has a lot health problems so there’s not much extra money for things like this. I think if she had a kindle she would be able to do alot more reading than what she does because it would be much easier to handle with all her pain than a book would. So thank you again and i hope I win so I can give it to my amazing mom!:)

  2. I would love to own a reader, curl up on the couch with a cup of tea and travel to a world of fantasy
    Thank you for hosting this giveaway

    pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

  3. I would love to win for my 24 yr old disabled daughter. Technology is wonderful for people with disabilities & a kindle would be perfect for her because she loves to read! Thanks to the sponser for the chance!
    jofo120 at yahoo dot com

  4. I would love to win this for myself. Thanks for the giveaway. I’m an avid reader and would love to have this to bring to work to read on my lunch break. I could have a whole world of books at my fingertips rather than carrying heavier actual books around with me. Thanks again!

  5. Jennifer Thompson says

    I would actually give this kindle to my mom for Christmas. She is an avid reader and has passed her passion down to me. This would help organize her books into one place. I love the fact that it is portable and small enough to carry in a purse/backpack. I think she would use this to the max :) Hopefully I will be able to surprise her with one in time for Christmas.

  6. I want to win this for my teenage nephew. He LOVES to read and with this kindle, we can all purchase him amazon kindle gift cards for the holidays and his birthday…maybe we can finally keep him busy in books. At this point, he reads so fast and so often that he often is without books to read!! LOL!

  7. I enjoy my kindle & would give this to my sister. She is a mom, like me, who would enjoy some reading material that is more than Goodnight, Moon. Thanks for the giveaway, Andrea! theprophecygirlAThotmailDOTcom

  8. It would be so nice to download books without going out in the cold to the book store or library this winter!

  9. This would be wonderful for me to take to the Dr’s Office. I spend a lot of time there because I had back surgery not too long ago & have physical therapy 2 times/wk. I have enough junk in my purse, that sometimes it adds way too much weight when I toss my big books in there before I leave the house I’m sure it would get much more use than just those trips though!

  10. crystal lane says

    First thank you so much for the giveaway!I would use this and also let my 13 yr old daughter use it.Hoping that she will learn to love reading as much as I do.Plus she could use this for school and to socialize and maybe I can get my laptop back.Ha ha that is wishful thinking.But it would be put to great use cause my 2 little ones love to read also.Would be great to have something they can look at kids books without accidentally tearing the pages.

  11. I have wanted a Kindle for so long,this would be awesome to win. As I can see me sitting in my snuggie with hot chocolate and the Kindle.

  12. Allison L. (Allie Lanc) says

    First of all, a huge thank you to Andrea Pearson for providing this giveaway! I think my mom would really enjoy having a kindle. She needs some time to relax after working so much and I know she’d take time for herself if she had a kindle that she could use anytime/any place to read. Reading has always been something she enjoys, but tends to never take time for herself to actually do it. Having a kindle with many books literally at the palm of her hand would help her tremendously. I too would love one, but I think she deserves it more for all she does for me and my sister!

  13. man I so want a kindle. so many books so little space on the book shelf

  14. Thank you very much for sponsoring this giveaway, Andrea! I am constantly reading no matter what the season, though in winter, I read a lot more. I tend to read more comforting things in the cold months. I love reading Christmas books in November and December. In fact, I need to break them out now! I’ve got a lot of books on my computer now that I’d love to read, but it’s too difficult since it’s not very portable. A kindle would be so much easier to take places! Thanks again!

  15. Kim Getchell says

    I would love to curl up in my bedroom with a kindle during the winter months. During the summer, I would sit on the porch swing and read while my girls play. I would love not to have so many space stealing books sitting around. Thanks so much for the opportunity!

  16. Thank you, Andrea, for this giveaway! I really want an ereader to better organize my books. I love to read but after I am done reading a physical book, I hate to get rid of it. Thus, there is a lot of messiness. Ereading seems so organizationally elegant. Crossing my fingers on this one.

  17. Mine just bit the dust! I’m so looking forward to replacing it, I feel absolutely lost without it! It comes in handy so much, especially when i’m on the go!

  18. Mary Cummings says

    Would love to give this to my son’s girlfriend if i won because she has hinted she would love to have one!

  19. Tiffany McBaine says

    Thanks so much for all the awesome posts! I am a massive reader and this is on my Christmas list! :)

  20. aaron matteson says

    Thank goodness now this gives me the opportunity to reveal how getting a B in CompII was so easy for me. Yes, a kindle would be nice to have, share, and even give to someone. I am not sure who in my family would want one though so I would use it. It would be used at a library hopefully. Hopefully, because it is a great idea to get out and relax elsewhere. right?

  21. Sarah Harding says

    I would love to win this for my daughter.we live in a small town so there’s not much for book stores around here and we can’t really afford gas to venture to the city to find the books she likes. Thank you and all other blogs that take the time and expense to do these wonderful reviews and giveaways, wouldn’t be much for presents under the tree this year if it wasn’t for you guys.

  22. G Andolina says

    Well, since I don’t see how anyone could ever pry it out of my hands it would be mine, all mine………

  23. Leslie L. Stanziani says

    I would love this kindle to put books on for my 4 kids.My oldest 2 especially love reading but with no real bookstores in our town they are limited.I also love reading and do so nighty before bed.Thank you so much to Andrea Pearson for providing the chance to win such a useful prize.

  24. Everyone in my family is a voracious reader. We love to read and often our choice of books, urban fantasy, high fantasy, science fiction and humorous fantasy, aren’t at the library. Buying our books is fun, but in the end storing them is a problem. This kindle would be passed around the entire housedhold and buying/storing books would be easier than ever.

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