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Baby Gender Predictor Tool

baby gender predictor tool

Baby Gender Prediction 

Want to get a prediction of whether your baby-to-be will be a boy or a girl? There are a ton of old wives tales out there – some women are just sure that they can tell what you’re having based on how much weight you’ve gained, how fast your hair is growing, or whether you’re carrying the baby high or low. Some have “tests” to predict your babies gender, like the ring test – In this test you hang your wedding ring from a string over your belly. If the ring swings back and forth your baby is a boy. If it swings around in a circle then it is a girl. But – one gender prediction test that is actually very often right is based on the Chinese Gender Chart, which some claim to be around 90% accurate. I know that when I tried this while pregnant, it predicted me having my little girl, and it’s been right about most {but not all!} of my friends as well.

Chinese Gender Predictor Tool

I’ve seen lots of charts, lists, and graphs that you can use to see what the Chinese Gender Chart predicts for your new baby – but now has a great baby chinese calendar automated tool you can use to see what your prediction is. Just fill in the dates in the boxes, and hit submit – and it’ll give you your big news. Whether you believe in this stuff, or just want to have a little fun – it’s a great little tool to use when you’re expecting. Or – test it out for accuracy – enter the dates for a child that you already have, and see if it gets it right! Share your results in the comments below…. Did it get it right??

{Disclaimer: This post content was created for Link Vehicle, and compensation was given to share my opinions on this tool. Photo Credit to HandmaidenbyMaria.}



  1. I was quite let down with the chinese calendar. It said I would have a girl but it was a boy. I was delighted that we had a boy but we had spent ages thinking of girls names and we even told my parents.. Has anyone tried this gender test with maternal urine: – from what is on the website it is 99% accurate…

    • Sunshine and Sippy Cups says

      You know – I’ve heard of people using the gender test style that you mention – but it’s been kind of the same results as the calendar or other methods of prediction. To me – if the pee on a stick type tests worked, every OB-GYN would be offering them in their office, you know? I think most of it all is more for fun, to try and guess, that type of thing. But then again – My horoscope stuff is SO accurate about me, I figure maybe the Chinese Gender Charts might have something to them too :)

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