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Want to be a ShopYourWay Personal Shopper?

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of ShopYourWay Program for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

I love shopping. Seriously. Anything from searching for funky finds at a flea market to getting a great deal on a high-end handbag at a boutique. I even love going grochery shopping – just because I get to buy stuff :) And as a smart mom, I always make sure to use coupons, rewards cards, and any other program I can get access to – to maximize my savings and freebies. Since I do a lot of shopping at Sears and Kmart, I've had a ShopYourWay Rewards card with them for over a year now – I use it each time I shop, and it adds up some free cash back. Super simple. But just today I learned about a bigger and better way to get rewards through this feature – the ShopYourWay Personal Shopper Program. Quick explanation: It rocks.


What is a ShopYourWay Personal Shopper?

Here's how it works: Invite your friends to join you on ShopYourWay – it's super easy, you can invite right through Facebook if you want to. {That's how I do it.} Then help them shop for stuff they need or will just love, at great prices. When they buy from your suggestions – you earn rewards! And you don't even need an affiliate link – when they shop at a store using their ShopYourWay Rewards card, you'll automatically see the earnings add up! Sweet deal, right?

How Do You Get Started?

It's simple! First, Request an Invite to ShopYourWay. Right away you'll have a confirmation message in your email inbox. Click it, fill out a few boxes, and you're ready to rock. Invite a few friends, share a few finds, and you're on your way to earning some extra bucks. Every month that you've earned over $20 dollars in rewards, they'll mail a check right to your door. Very cool.

Remember, as I always say – Friends Don't Let Friends Pay Full Price!

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