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Your Dog Loves You – Make Sure You Love Them Back

I did NOT want a dog. Our last dog had been hit by a car, which broke my heart. I had a new baby to take care of. And a new blog. And I really didn’t know anything about training a puppy – and really didn’t have the time or energy to learn. But – Mike found a little cutie pie that he just couldn’t resist, and brought him home. It was supposed to be “his” dog. But it wasn’t. He was Abby’s dog…..

toddler sharing snacks with a puppy

“Friendship isn’t a big thing – it’s a million little things.” – Author Unknown

From the very beginning, they were best friends. He would cry and whine and jump at the crib, until I would pick him up to see her. Eventually he got big enough to jump INTO the crib. She would wake up in the morning and giggle as she watched him hop up and down, until he finally made it over the rail and in to play. She learned to share by offering him bites of her snacks. She even tried to share her sippy cups with him. {Gross, right? Lol.} They played together, napped together, snuggled together…. Total besties.

toddler and puppy playing in the snow

“A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.” – Douglas Pagels

They’ve grown up together – they’re both almost 2 years old now. And they’re still the best of friends. When I mentioned at the beginning of this post that I didn’t know how to train a puppy – well, I never learned either. He’s not potty trained, he jumps into the high chair after I take Abby out and tries to find little bites that have been left behind, and he cries like an abandoned baby when we leave to run errands for the day. But, he loves Abby and I unconditionally, which can make up for a lot. He’s an absolute sweetheart, even if he’s pretty rough around the edges. But who knows – I’m in the process of potty training Abby, maybe I can potty train him too…. {Wishful thinking?}

“It takes a long time to grow an old friend.” – John Leonard

Since my little guy, Deuce, shows us daily how much he loves us, it’s definitely important to me to love him back. We take him to the dog park to run, he goes on daily walks around the neighboorhood with Abby and I – and since every good boy deserves a reward sometimes, we buy him the best dog treats. These Cesar Cookie Crunchies are a favorite – they’re shaped like little hearts and bones, and come in flavors he loves like Rotisserie Chicken and Filet Mignon. It’s an easy way to give a little love to my fave furry fella.

  • Find fun pet-friendly places and activities to enjoy with your four-legged friend. From hotels that allow pets to stay too, to the best dog parks in your area, you’ll find some great info using this tool.
  • Follow them on Facebook to get updates on new products and promotions – Click the tab that says “Special Offers” to get a great coupon freebie right now!

{Disclosure: I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Cesar and received a product sample to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.}

How do you show YOUR pets that you love them back?




  1. I totally agree. My husband bought home this beautiful ball of fluff almost 2 years ago, and when he put her on the bed, I said “It’s a puppy” and started to cry. Pearl aka “puppy” has since earned her keep last New Years. Someon tried to break into the house while my husband was not at home. Pearl, who is a Lab/Rott Weiler mix, channeled her inner Rott Weiler and scared the would be “burgelars, bad people” away. She tracked from the sliding glass door to the windows , jumping at everything. And she would not calm down until the danger was done.

    Pearl has earned her place in my bed and in my heart for all time. I lovingly call her “Puppy” even though she is a BIG girl, but, you know what, I would not trade her for the world.

    All dogs should be loved because they love you unconditionally. And they give you their sad eyes and shoulder to cry on when you are down.

    Thank You for this post… I am ever reminded that the ones we love don’t neccesarily have to talk, they just have to be there by your side, to give and receive comfort.

  2. This sounds like my oldest son and youngest dog. Pip will sit at his bedroom door whimpering and crying until I let her in to sleep with him for the night. :)

  3. Aw :) I love how cute they are together. I hope our kids and dogs get along that well!

  4. We had a dog for a while until the manager of our trailer park decided to make us get rid of him. We won’t talk about the great big dogs that everyone around us owns, our dog was just “too big” mmmhmmm. Not to mention she did this a few days before Christmas. We won’t be here next year :) Your daughter’s dog is adorable though. I can’t wait to be able to have a dog again!

  5. Your dog is cute as a button…
    I just realized the other day that “I am my cat’s only human”. He’s definately not friendly with anyone else in the house – and even bites — so now when he keeps hitting me to get my attention – I now always give him some — for I am his only human. He has no one else to ask, share, or snuggle or play with… because he of course chose not to long long ago (he’s 12). It was a revelation to me to think of it that way.

  6. They are so adorable together!

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