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Twooth Timer: Smart Solution to Encourage Kids to Brush

This is a great gadget that has completely changed bedtimes around my house! Kids love it – and I love it because it encourages them to brush their teeth much longer, with no nagging. Kids doing something that’s good for them, and loving it? Now that is a Smart Solution!

twooth timer

Sponsor Spotlight: The Twooth Timer Company

I’ve been using the Twooth Timer in our home for almost a year now, and it really does make life easier. This little gadget is so simple, but so effective – the kids always want to turn it on, and they will “race” to see who can brush the most teeth before the timer goes off. Which means they do a LOT more brushing then they used to – and they have more fun. The $10 bucks you spend on this totally pays off in lowered dentists bills.

Did you Know…

According to the U.S. Surgeon General’s Report, more than 51 million school hours are lost each year to dental-related illness. Tooth decay is the single most common chronic childhood ailment – 5 times more common than asthma and 7 times more common than hay fever.

Like most smart products, the Twooth Timer was invented by a mom, just like us. Years ago, at a routine check up for her kids, the dentist informed her that the kids needed to brush more – twice a day, for at least 2 minutes each time. She wondered how on earth she could get them, all of them, to do that, every day. The dentist advised her to try using a timer. And the Twooth Timer was born!

Let the Twooth Timer Bring Better Brushing to Your Home Too

Learn more about the Twooth Timer by visiting their website, read some great tooth-care tips on their blog, and be sure to sign up for their newsletter updates to stay informed of new products, giveaways, and cool promotions. You can also read more reviews of the Twooth Timer, if you’d like to learn a little more:

  • Amazon Reviews: Twooth Timer has a bunch of great reviews on Amazon, with twelve 5-star ratings, one 4-star, and just one lower ranking. That’s great to see!
  • My Review: You can read more about our experience when we first started using the Twooth Timer in my home, and why we love it.
  • More Blog Reviews: Have Kids Will Coupon loves this clever timer, it made Nicole’s daughter have loads more fun during brushing time, it worked great for Insights by April too, and the boys at Unionvale Mom’s Spot have just as much fun with this as mine do. MomVantage, a self-proclaimed “Tooth Fanatic,” who has a lot of experience with dental offices, totally appreciates what a great tool this is in helping build good brushing habits!

You can also connect with them on Facebook and Twitter. And speaking of connecting – You can learn more about the Twooth Timer from me, if you’ll be attending Reviewer’s Retreat this weekend! They are one of the brands I’ll be helping to represent during the Sponsor Speedway portion of the events. I hope to see some of you there!

If you’re interested in learning more about how to partner with smart mom-invented brands like this, and working with some great bloggers on fun campaigns, you can learn more about how Mompact supports moms in business, and sign up to be part of the team at Question Moms.


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