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Learn Why Prom Costs So Much, & How to Save


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Are you prepared for Prom?

This infographic didn’t surprise me – I just read an article the other day, about how kids are taking prom to the same types of extremes that weddings have gone to – Elaborate set-ups similar to proposals, just to ask someone to be their date, total overspending on things like hair, make-up, tanning, nails, accessories, dress, shoes, bag, dinner, limo – Yikes! I do get that it’s a totally special moment for teens – But shoot, I didn’t even GO to my prom, and I turned out Ok, lol. This just seems like way too much money for teens to spend on one night, right?

What do YOU think?

Totally worth it, or waste of money? Share your opinion in the comments below…. And, do you have any other great frugal tips for saving money on prom expenses that you can add too? I’d love to hear them, and feature some of them in an upcoming post – so let me know if it’s ok to use them and credit back to you!



  1. I got a great deal on a prom dress in high school. I actually hit up a clearance rack for bridesmaid dresses at a bridal shop for it! :)

  2. You know, I don’t remember anyone at my school taking prom quite this seriously. Of course we got dressed up and went out to eat and there were a few people who rented limos, but it was nothing extravagant. I got a dress on sale and thought it was a huge splurge just to get my hair done! It seems like now though, a lot of schools are making prom really extreme. I mean, if schools are going to go all out for the party and charge kids $200 for a ticket, I bet the pressure is greater for them to go all out too.

  3. I went to a school where farming was way more important than clothes or shoes. Heck, we had bring your own tractor to school day every single year! There were a few girls that went all out, but most of us just wore something formal but simple. I think my dress cost about $125? I bought it myself from a dress shop a few towns over. Tickets were relatively cheap from what I can remember, and a limo would have been very expensive for NO reason. We had to ride a bus to after prom, and to prom (our prom sucked!). You have to be on the bus for after prom or have a note from your parents stating that you don’t have to go, that way they know where you are. Also, when you get back from after prom, there are donuts in the cafeteria and they call names to make sure everyone is there lol. So, it’s always cheap where I’m from lol!

  4. I never spent that much on prom. Although, I see how it could get expensive for the boys (flowers, dinner, tickets). I bought my prom dress on sale because the next town over had their proms a few weeks before ours. I don’t think I ever spent more than $150 total on prom.

  5. I didn’t go to prom but GEEZ that’s expensive.

  6. Wow.. I never spend even close to that amount when I went to my prom. I think I spent around $100. That was for shoes, panty hose, prom ticket and to get my hair done. My prom dress I wore was borrowed.

  7. This is such a hard time of year for me. But I am excited that my son is going for his Senior prom. My oldest went to his Junior but not his senior, this son is going to his Senior but didn’t go to his Junior. We actually just went tonight and ordered his tux. $165.00 which included tux, vest, tie, shoes, a little hanky that matches his vest to keep… that included a $5.00 deposit and $5.00 insurance. My daughter is going this year as a Sophomore with a Junior BUT she is borrowing her dress, a friend’s Mom is doing her hair.. so that one I will get out of easy ‘this year’. Watkins Glen Highschool’s senior teacher advisor does NOT believe in it costing to get into Prom so there is no ticket cost! So while our family is low for the northeast ‘average’ -I feel lucky :).
    Very neat infographic.

  8. Wow!!! I never would have imagined prom being so expensive! I went to my senior prom approximately 11 years ago. I didn’t decide to go until a couple days before prom so I got my dress on sale. It cost me like $125 (and I still have it. In fact, I wore it to an even 4 years AFTER prom!) I got my hair done at a local salon so it wasn’t that expensive. The prom ticket cost $50. I did my own makeup. My sisters and mom took pictures. We didn’t get a limo. We all went out to Applebee’s for dinner (that was our high school hang out spot). It was a great night! I think we went as a group of 4 girls and a guy! All in all, I would guess I spent $200-$225 on prom?

  9. $250 for a prom ticket? I don’t think my dress even cost that much. But then again, I know gals that spend thousands going all out, so I can’t say I’m surprised.

  10. I don’t mind dressing up, but I want pay 200 or 300 for a dress that’s only going to get worn 1 or twice. I spent 100 on my prom dress.

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