“I’m not going to vacuum until Sears makes one you can ride on.” – Roseanne Barr
I used to have a clean home. Laundry was always done and put away in closets where the shirts were organized by color and sleeve length. Dishes were washed and stored in perfect order. But – then I had a baby. And, my extended family came to live with us too. And, I started a blog. And I’ve explained before how Baby + Blog = Messy Home. But, while having a baby brought loads of extra work, and a lot less sleep – it also brought a new awareness to the need to keep my floors clean. Once your little one is crawling, it’s incredibly important that you give them a home with floors that are clean enough to be safe for exploring. So you become like a hawk, ready to spot stray Legos and pennies from a room away. You vacuum daily, to ensure that your floors are free of dirt and muck. But – did you know that even if you vacuum daily, your floors just don’t always get clean enough?
“My idea of housework is to sweep the room with a glance.” – Erma Bombeck
When you want to get your floors seriously clean – like deep-down, safe enough for baby to put their mouth on kind of clean, you need to do more than just vaccuum. You need something like this – my new favorite invention. “If you love it so much why don’t you marry it!!??” Well, I just might. Because I am in serious love with this new gadget – the BISSELL Lift-Off Deep Cleaner. I love a hard worker :) And, my FAVORITE part of this gadget is that it’s two cleaners in one. Use it the traditional way to clean whole rooms really easily {it’s a lot lighter-weight than some others cleaners I’ve rented before, making it MUCH easier to push} – then, with a quick step on the lever at the bottom, the smaller portion pops out to be a portable cleaner for upholstery, cars, stairs, or little spot messes. And with kids and dogs in my house, we have a lot of spills and messes. This cleaner is a life saver!
How to find out how clean your floors really are
So, how do you know how clean your floors really are? One simple way to find out is to take the White Sock Challenge – super simple, and seriously shocking results. Grab some clean white socks for your family. Get the bottoms just a tiny bit damp, then crank up some tunes, and dance those feet around your home’s floors. Then take a look – do you see how much dirt is on those things??!! Yuck, right? Do you really want your kids crawling around on that – or even just sitting down on it to play? No way. So, let me show you how the Bissell Lift-off Deep Cleaner works to break up the dirt and grab it right out of your carpets. And – you can check out how easy peasy it is to transform the cleaner from a stand-up machine to a smaller spot
“Vacuums don’t clean houses. People clean houses.” – Everybody Loves Raymond
Pretty impressive, right? I’m really picky about cleaning products too – I don’t have a lot of time to spend keeping up with the house, and it’s crazy around here with so many people and pets. So anything that I give closet space too needs to be able to work double-duty. The BISSELL Lift-Off Deep Cleaner is not one of those gadgets you’ll buy, then store away because it’s too much trouble to use it. Nope, this thing is so easy to use, you’ll find yourself pulling it out every week. And – after doing the White Sock Test before cleaning with the Deep Cleaner, and then afterwards – I can tell you from experience that there is a dramatic difference!!
“Please don’t feed the dust bunnies.” – Author Unknown
If you want to take the White Sock Test too – take a fun photo to show off your results, and enter it on the White Sock Test giveaway page on Facebook, for a chance to win a $15,000 Home Makeover!! Here’s how it works: Get a clean white sock and wet the soles of it just a little. Then find the most “lived upon” area of your carpet and do “The Twist” for 30 seconds. Give it some attitude! What does your sock look like now? Show us for a chance to win a Home Makeover! – Can you imagine how many cool things you do with $15,000? {I entered – I sooo need to finish up our Master Bedroom & Playroom Makeover!} So – grab your socks, and share YOUR White Sock Test results today for a chance to win big too! I bet you’ll be just as shocked by the results as I was – and realize why this Deep Cleaner is your new best friend.
{Disclaimer: I received a complimentary Deep Cleaner from Bissell, so that I could try out this White Sock Challenge test and share my results with you guys. But, free swag never sways my posts – all opinions and overuse of the word awesome are 100% honest and my own. Love this thing! Photo credit for first photo.}

Wow, I really want one of these! Our vacuum cleaner actually just bit the dust, so this is perfect timing.
PS my closets used to be color coordinated, too.
I always laugh when my friends come over and start to take their shoes off. I remind them I have 2 dogs and a toddler, it’s safe to keep their shoes on! I’m almost scared to take a white sock test!
I so want one! My floors are a disaster and I refuse to walk on them in white socks – it’s just too scary! With two boys and a dog, I need help! I’m going to check this out!
That’s why I don’t buy white socks to avoid this humiliating test..lol.. I would love to try this vaccum!!!
@Sara That’s us too! We also have 2 dogs. :)
I stopped using a traditional vacuum years ago especially with 3 cats – need sonething that really picks up the hair. I’m surprised at how clean my floors are and I don’t clean them everyday.
Haha- we don’t use white socks most of the time. They get filthy. I heard great things about the Bissell! Great review!
I would be totally scared to do a white sock test on floors right now!! But I now really want one of these!!!
Wow! I would love to try out this Bissell vacuum! Baby+Blog=Messy Home? Sooooo true for me! LOL!