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Celebrating Mothers Across the World – #CleverHaiti

mother's day giving back gifts

This Mother’s Day, I’m working with Clever Girls in support of Macy’s Heart of Haiti to shine a light on the “trade, not aid” program, which provides sustainable income to Haitian artisans struggling to rebuild their lives and support their families after the 2010 earthquake.

“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.” – Muhammad Ali

When I was a little girl, we lived for awhile in severe poverty. But, I never knew it. Part of this is because I lived in a low income neighborhood, and went to a very poor school – so the other families and homes around me looked just like mine. The other part is due to the amazingly hard work of my mother – My father had lost his job due to health problems, she had no vehicle, and 4 children under age 6, with no income. She never let those obstacles stop her, and was constantly striving to make a better life for us. Not having enough back then makes me so much more appreciative of what I have in life today. And becoming a mother myself makes me realize even more how amazing my mother’s efforts were.

mothers day

“If you have much, give of your wealth; if you have little, give of your heart.” – Arabic Proverb

In Haiti, the women have very little. When I think of the poverty that I faced as a child – that lifestyle would seem wealthy to many in Haiti. We take so much for granted sometimes, and it can be difficult for us to even imagine the struggles that other mothers go through in different areas of the world. But one way that we can help is by supporting their own efforts to make better lives for their children, much as people helped support my mother so many years ago. {That’s her and I together, last Mother’s Day.} One simple way to help is to learn about Heart of Haiti. Read more…

What is Macy’s Heart of Haiti? Heart of Haiti is a “Trade, Not Aid” initiative launched by artist and social entrepreneur, Willa Shalit, The Clinton Bush Haiti Fund and Macy’s. Already, Heart of Haiti has led to employment of 750 artists in Haiti, providing financial benefits for an estimated 8,500 people in the country.

Each item is a one-of-a-kind design and handmade by a Haitian master artisan from raw materials such as recycled oil drums, wrought iron, papier-mâché and stone. The collection features more than 40 home decor items including quilts, metalwork, ceramics, jewelry and paintings and is made almost entirely from recycled and sustainable items such as old cement bags, cardboard, oil drums and local gommier wood. The quality is stunning {visit your local Macy’s to see it in person} and each piece is as unique as the mother who made it – making it a wonderful one-of-a-kind gift.

pregnancy photo with baby blocks

“The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.” – William James

When I became a mother, it was like a whole new place grew inside my heart. If was filled with so many extreme feelings I’d never felt – I’d felt love, but not this amazingly complete. I’d felt fear, but never as strong as the fear of something happening to my little girl. And, I suddenly had so much empathy for other mothers around the world – reading a story of something bad happening to a child, one that I have never met, brings tears to my eyes. So, as we’re all getting ready to celebrate Mother’s Day this May 8th, why not do something to help celebrate these mothers too, who are working to build a better life for their children? I’m giving my mother one of these amazing handmade necklaces – to let her know how much I appreciate what she’s done for me, and to show her that her compassion for others was handed down to me too. Not only has her wonderful example in my life made me want to be the best mother possible – but it also drives me to want to help ALL mothers provide for their children. I know how important that is. I’d love to have you join me, and purchase one of these for the special mother – or moms! – in your own life.

Heart of Haiti products are available online at Macy’

{Disclaimer: Thank you to Macy’s Heart of Haiti for sponsoring my participation in this “Share Your Heart” promotion. I was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective. All opinions expressed here are my own.}



  1. This is such a beautiful testimony to a mother’s love…in generations. I’m going to check out the Heart of Haiti products now…thanks!!

  2. Teaching people sustainable means is critical to their survival. I love that Macy’s has partnered in such a wonderful cause.

  3. This is such a fabulous post and I’m glad that you and Macy’s are doing something for Haiti. Beautiful!

  4. This is so beautiful. I love the picture!! Thanks for sharing and supporting a great cause.

  5. Thanks for sharing this info and your own experience. It is amazing how our mothers have all sheltered us from different things just by being great moms!

  6. I agree that becoming a mom completely changes your ways of feeling and thinking. Things that may not have bothered you before now cause a huge reaction in you. I love that Macy’s is helping women in Haiti, because I know they have been through a lot. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Such a great post!!!! You really captured the need that Haiti has for supporting the people trying to better their situations for their families. We cannot thank you enough for helping spread this message. We are so thankful! We hope you and your Mother have a great Mother’s Day! I work with Heart of Haiti and have seen firsthand how sustainable incomes can affect the lives of Haitian artisans.

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