“If you want work well done, select a busy man – the other kind has no time.” – Elbert Hubbard
I absolutely adore this quote. How many times have you complained – “I just don’t have enough time in a day to get it all done!” We all have a different “it”, but as super-busy Super Moms, it’s usually a combination of housework, childcare, and work we do for an income. I always feel like I just have too much to do, and it’s impossible to keep up… Between taking care of the kiddos, keeping up with a very busy house and all of it’s messes, and trying to work from home – with an adorable but very busy toddler as my assistant all day – I never, ever, accomplish everything that I have on my to-do list.
But the thing is – we all have the same 24 hours worth of time each day. Every. Single. One. Of. Us.
So, why are some people able to accomplish so much more in the same amount of hours each day? It’s all about time management – And you can’t be in control of managing your time if you don’t even really know how it’s being spent each day. Just like making a budget for your household spending – You have to take a hard look at where you’re spending your time, and see if it matches your priorities. If not – grab a hold of your life, and make some changes!
“Time is neither friend nor enemy it’s just a measurement.” – Mike Dolan
To learn where YOUR time is going each day – take a minute to check out this amazingly simple time-management tool to get a visual snapshot of your day. You just fill in the blanks with what you do during a typical day, and how much time you spend on it. Then it pops it all together and creates a cool chart like the visual above – Yes, this is a typical day in the life of me, Bloggy McBlogster. As you can see, I spend most of my time working online, managing my social media accounts, playing/caring for/chasing down Abby, and cleaning or picking up after these messy savages that I call a family. {If you guys are reading – Love you! Mwah!} The small amount of other time is spent cooking/eating, watching TV twice a week {Fringe, and Once Upon A Time – only shows I ever watch} – and yes, 2% of our time really is spent dancing. We love an impromptu dance party in the kitchen in the evenings – that’s good livin’.
What Makes You Tick – Create your own customized time management graphic today and learn where you spend your time!
When you’re done, leave me a comment and let me know what you thought of this… Were you surprised by where your time was going? Or was it pretty much what you expected? Where do you think you need to make changes? You guys know that I struggle at times with time management – {here’s a super-funny cartoon that perfectly describes my time-management struggle, lol} – So I’m working on a series, filled with great tips, tools, apps, and resources to help this area of my life, since I think it’s something we’re all looking for tips with. I’d love to hear what YOU guys think about this topic too….
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Want to see where your time REALLY goes each day? This cool tool creates a visual snapshot of your day – sunshineandsippycups.com/2012/03/simple…
— SunandSipCups (@SunandSipCups) April 1, 2012
I love this, I soo need it to show some people that I really am busy!
I am always saying I need more time in a day. I really need to try this.
I’m afraid to graph my time… but it’s a neat idea ;-)
That definitely sounds about right! I need to spend more time with hubby and kids though. I’m still looking for a good blogging/family balance!
My chart showed me that I spend more time online than I do sleeping! Thanks for sharing this, it’s neat. I look forward to your time management tips.
I don’t really WANT to know where my time goes… LOL! “90% Facebook”
I will have to come back to this as the site isn’t work at the moment. I did something similar in a class that I had and it came to show that my time was mostly doing work on the computer and school work. It will be interesting to see what the chart will show for me now since school is out of the way.
I DON’T want to know where my times goes…lol! I’ll have to check it out next month, once I accomplish my April goals. :)
I am a little scared to see how I spend my time!
I am afraid to show myself where most of my time is spent. This is a great tool.
Well, it looks like I will be carving out some time to check out where my time goes. I need to revisit my time management system this week and I ran into this blogpost just in time. Thanks!