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Britax Car Seat Giveaway!

How adorable is this, right?

I love polk-dots! My little girls crib bedding was trimmed in a pink and black polka-dot pattern, which matched perfectly with the trim in my own bedding set. Since we are sharing a room for another year – it’s fun that I was able to find coordinating gear! {We’re working on a big bedroom re-do, if you want to check out the planning, and share opinions on some pieces I’m trying to choose – check it out here – Master Bedroom/Playroom Makeover. I totally need help deciding on a rug…} But – back to the awesome prize up for grabs!

One winner receives a Britax Marathon 70 Convertible Car Seat in the color of their choice!

It’s an easy entry – just enter your info onto the giveaway form. You’ll then be taken through a couple of pages of free offers for moms and babies – just click skip if you’re not interested. Then you’ll get to the main Lullaby Lane page, and can check out their site.  What is Lullaby Lane? Read more… and the Lullaby Lane online community are here to make your life easier and adding to your joy of parenting.

Is there a catch?

I read through the rules to make sure that this was legit – and it looks great. You are giving permission for them to send you their newsletter, but that’s it. Make sure to watch for that confirmation email after you enter, and click to confirm your entry into the big sweepstakes. And if you don’t like the email – {it has good stuff, so I think you will} you can just click unsubscribe on it. But you’ll still be entered to WIN!

Have fun & Good Luck!


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