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Princess Leia is my Hero – Win a Star Wars 3D Prize Pack! 3/8

Do you have Star Wars junkies in your house? It could be the kids… Or your husband… Or even you. I know that when I was a little girl, Princess Leia was my hero – She was a pretty princess, but she could also take charge and kick butt. Loved it. I was also a huge fan of Lego’s, and spent hours alone in my room building cities and stuff. {You’ve clearly figured out now that I was a geek…} So, I guess that explains why I absolutely love the Lego-Star Wars videos on YouTube. If they’d had these when I was a kid, I would’ve been in heaven.

Watch The Phantom Menace in 3D!

In theaters February 10, 2012, the first episode, full of awesome action and adventure, arrived in theaters in super exciting 3D! {Wanna check it out? See the trailer for Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace.} While I admit, I’d much rather it be one of the older Star Wars movies in 3D, this is still very cool. I can’t wait to take the kids. And, to celebrate the 3D launch, General Mills Big G cereals is featuring collectable Star Wars pens inside of participating cereals. I remember as a kid, there was always totally amazing stuff inside cereal boxes – but not so much these days. So not only does Star Wars make me nostalgic for my childhood – so does finding a rad new collectible inside my cereal. {Am I old? I used “rad”, and “nostalgic” in the same sentence…. Uh oh.}

  • Collect all eight exclusive Star Wars pens that feature iconic Episode I characters including: Anakin Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi, Queen Amidala, Yoda, R2D2, C3PO, Jar Jar Binks and Darth Maul
  • Participating Big G cereals include Cinnamon Toast Crunch® (12.8 oz.), Lucky Charms®(11.5 oz.), Reese’s® Puffs (13 oz.), Cheerios® (14 oz.), and Cookie Crisp® (11.25 oz)

So, look for these boxes next time you’re at the grocery – and surprise the kids with some cool goodies at breakfast this week. Good times.

Big G, Star Wars, Star Wars collectibles

You won’t have to go to a galaxy far, far away to bring the force to your breakfast table

You can WIN a prize package filled with these awesome Star Wars collectible pens, featured cereals with more pens inside, stickers, and magnets. Fun, right? Just use the easy peasy Rafflecopter form to enter. I’ve teamed up with some other blogging buddies to share this giveaway – but you only need to enter on one form! And if you’re feelin’ lucky – check out the rest of the giveaways over in the sidebar – the more you enter, the more chances that you have to win!

{Disclosure: Disclosure:  Prize pack, information, and giveaway have been provided by General Mills through MyBlogSpark.}

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. Allisha Gold says

    Hope I can win this for my brother (:

  2. Susan Ladd says

    Thanks for the awesome sweep and hope to win for my grandson :)

  3. joseph sagona says

    hope to win this sweep

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