“What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?” – George Eliot
Advil Congestion is putting a putting a twist on its tagline – “The Right Relief for the Real Problem,” and providing literal relief in congested places across the U.S. from undersupplied schools, congested traffic lanes, and more. I love to see companies use the power that they have to do great things – and it’s amazing what their donations are doing to improve local communities! Learn how they helped Chicago get “The Right Relief” for their winter congestion problems –
“For a community to be whole and healthy, it must be based on people’s love and concern for each other.” – Millard Fuller
What type of change would you like to see in your own community? Where is your communities congestion? In my town, I’d have to say that one of the biggest problems is fear. That fear causes congestion when it keeps people from moving forward, dreaming big, and actually doing new things. It’s the fear of change, which causes people to vote down and resist new ideas. The fear of spending and investing, the fear or things that are different, the fear that something ‘won’t work’. I would love to see Advil find a way to bring a new enthusiasm to my city – to encourage the people who are dreaming big to keep pushing for change, to break through that congestion of uncertainty, and make our community a brighter place! There are so many good things in my town, and we need to keep building on them, and motivate the whole community to work together to bring some new ideas to life. Just like a winter cold gets your head and chest all stuffed up, a fear of something different can get a city all stuffed up too!
Advil Wants to hear from you!
How can the Advil Congestion Relief Project help your community? Share your story of community congestion –
- What’s congested in your community?
- How does that affect your community?
- How could Advil® Congestion Relief relieve your community’s congestion?
Visit CongestionReliefProject.com and learn how you submit your story sharing why your community needs help. Submit by January 4, 2012, and you will be entered to win up to $30,000 for your community! Open to the US only.
“Average people and the average community can change the world. You can do it just based on common sense, determination, persistence and patience.” – Lori Gibbs
Solve Your families winter congestion too!
Let Advil Congestion solve your family’s winter congestion too – and enter to win a free 10 count package of Advil® Congestion Relief (retail value $7.99)!
Share your community stories in the comments
I’d love to hear from you, and read your ideas for improving your own communities – so please share in the comments, after you enter to win on CongestionReliefProject.com. You guys are such an amazing bunch, and I can’t wait to read your dreams for your own communities…..
{Disclaimer: I am a member of One2One Network and this post is part of a sponsored campaign I received both product and compensation for my time. I make no claims about Advil Congestion Relief as a product or it’s effectiveness.}

I would really love to see the City of Rapid City actually plow the streets during a winter storm!