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Party Time with Thomas & Friends! #Megabloksparty

Thomas Mega Bloks

‘Play is the highest form of research.’ – Albert Einstein

Thomas & Friends + Mega Bloks = Another super fun event from MommyParties! We received a ton of awesome stuff to host a great party for the kiddo’s, their friends, and my mommy friends too. We’ve actually never played with any of the Mega Bloks sets before, so I was super excited to check ’em out – And I’m definitely impressed! I had pictures Mega Bloks as more of a “Little Kid” type toy – but these were fun for ALL of the kids, from 16 months to 9 years old. I love how easy it was for the kids to follow the directions, and they loved that they could create the set on their own. Keep reading to learn more about these super cool toys, plus some ideas you can use for your own party.

Playing with toy train set

‘Children need the freedom and time to play. Play is not a luxury. Play is a necessity.’ – Kay Redfield Jamison

Each of the kids got to pick a new toy – They could choose from Mega Bloks Diesel Works Set, or the Mega Bloks Thomas Set – both are super cool. The box that they blocks are in opens up, and flips over, to become a little ramp for the train to cruise down… And Abby thought this was the COOLEST thing ever! She says, “Chooo Chooo!” and runs to chase it after it rolls away. The bigger kids set theirs all up in a row, and had races to see who’s train could go the farthest. The moms all loved that this was a great travel set.

Thomas & Friends Mega Bloks set

“The most effective kind of education is that a child should play amongst lovely things.” – Plato

We also got one “Big” set for the kids to check out – Megabloks “Day at the Dieselworks” – and it was definitely a hit with both the kids and the moms. While lego sets can be a challenge even for some of the bigger kiddo’s, this Mega Bloks set was perfect – the older boys helped to guide the little one’s, and while they could put the whole thing together without any help from the grown up’s, it was just challenging enough to make them feel really accomplished when they finished it!

Thomas Mega Bloks toy sets

“Make each day your masterpiece.” – John Wooden

Another thing I thought was pretty cool about these toy sets is that they all fit together. So, if you’re little one is going to a playdate, they can bring along one of the smaller toy sets, and it’ll hook right up to the bigger toy sets, as you see in the picture. This would be a great way to set up a Mommy Group playdate, or birthday party… Have each of the kids bring their own Thomas toys in a smaller travel case set, and they can all hook ’em up to play together! Here are a few other ideas you can use to host your own party:

Thomas-Inspired Snack ideas:

  • Chugga, Chugga, Choo-Choo Chocolate Cups: We made these Dirt & Worm style, which you’ve probably made before. Very simple, but always entertaining – especially if you’ve got little boys at the party!
  • Railway Trail Mix: Any type of Chex Mix would work great for this – find a ton of different varieties here: Chex Mix Recipes.
  • Steamin’ Engine Fuel Punch: Pour 2 64-oz. bottles of fruit punch into a big bowl. Add a 16-oz. can of frozen OJ, and stir until it’s mostly melted. Then add half of a 64-oz bottle of pineapple juice. Right before the party, add in 2 bottles of ginger ale, add ice and some sliced oranges on top – stir and enjoy!


“It is in playing, and only in playing, that the child is able to be creative and to use the whole personality, and it is only in being creative that the individual discovers the self.” – D.W. Winnicott

  • Check out my Google+ Album for the rest of the party pictures, or check them out on Facebook.
  • Sign up for the Mega Bloks Newsletter for fun product updates, and promotions.
  • Check out the other amazing parties on the MommyParties Facebook page.

{Disclaimer: Thank you to MommyParties and Mega Bloks for providing us with some super cool new toys, ideas, and party materials for this event! All photo’s and opinions are 100% my own!}



  1. I really like the “Thomas-Inspired Snack ideas.” Totally cute ideas!!!

    My daughter really likes Thomas & Friends so I’m thinking for her next birthday part, we’ll celebrate the Thomas & Friends way. Thank you so much for the great idea(s).

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