Title: The True Story of Puss’n Boots
Actors: William Shatner, Yolande Moreau
Directors: Jerome Deschamps, Pascal Herold
Rated: G (General Audience)
The anticipation…
I received a free copy of this new movie to review as a Team Mom with Child’s Play Communications – and the kids were super excited when we got this in the mail! I had to make them wait over 2 weeks to watch it, since I wanted to watch it with them so I could share it with you guys – and I swear, little guy asked me every darn day if we could watch the cat movie yet! So, this past weekend we finally made a movie day, and I snuggled up on the couch with little guy and baby girl to check this out…..
What we loved:
The animation in this was gorgeous. I’m still amazed sometimes that when I was a kid we had Atari’s and Looney Tunes, and the kids now have Wii’s and these realistic graphics! The scenes are so pretty, full of color and texture, and just perfect. There was enough action and adventure to keep little guy intrigued through the whole movie, and Abby giggled and danced along with the princess during the singing scenes – so adorable, and made the whole movie worth watching!
What I didn’t Love:
This movie features William Shatner, who I have to admit, I am a big fan of! My mom and I used to watch Star Trek together when I was a little girl, and I thought he was soooo cool. I was hoping he’d use his regular voice as Puss ‘N Boots, and was a bit disappointed that he didn’t – but the kids loved it, and I guess that’s the important part. I think the movie could’ve gotten a few more big kid fans like me though, if they’d had him use his real voice :) And, while the movie kept the kids full attention the entire time, and totally entertained them – I’ll admit, it confused me a bit. The story was quite a bit different than the fairy tale as I remember it, {again, not something that the kids would notice} the King and Queen were a bit odd, and it just felt a little strange at points. BUT – since the kiddo’s loved it, and it’s a movie for them, and the animation is so great – I give it two thumbs up!
How to find it:
You can purchase The True Story of Puss’n Boots at Amazon for $17.49, and it’s available for rent at most Redbox rentals. You can also visit the official Puss ‘N Boots website for more info, and some fun interactive features!
{Disclaimer: As I mentioned, I received a complimentary copy of this DVD to review as a Team Mom for Child’s Play Communication to review, so that I could share my thoughts with you – but as always, I speak the truth :) All opinions are 100% my own!}
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