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I’m a Speaker at Reviewers Retreat 2012!!! {And How to get Discount Tickets}

Join me at Reviewers Retreat 2012!!

I am SO excited to be a part of this event, and can’t wait to share some fun tips and helpful information during my session at Reviewers Retreat. This will be my first blog conference, and I hope to see some of you there!! Read more about the when’s, what’s and where’s of this amazing conference – and find out how you can get a super sweet discount on tickets too:

The 2nd annual Reviewer’s Retreat will be held June 3-5, 2012 at Great Wolf Lodge, Concord-Charlotte, NC. Reviewer’s Retreat is first conference geared specifically toward the issues and challenges faced by bloggers in the product review genre, a topic that is lacking from most conference agendas. Review bloggers, those who conduct product and resource reviews on their site, will converge to take part in sessions on a variety of topics including brand-blogger relations, website design, perfecting the pitch, statistics, photography and more.  This brand-friendly conference welcomes company and agency representatives as building and strengthening relationships between bloggers and brands is one of the conference’s primary goals.

Get your Reviewers Retreat Tickets Today!!

How to score BIG discounts on your tickets!

You can secure your spot at the Reviewers Retreat by purchasing tickets at early bird pricing – only $199 dollars if you buy them now, that’s a savings of $79 dollars!! AND – they’re having a huge Black Friday sale too! Check it out:

On November 25th the first 25 Reviewer’s Retreat conference passes sold using code BLACKFRIDAY25 will receive $25 off the early bird pricing!  (Making passes only $149.99!!) If all 25 tickets are sold, we will randomly select one to receive a FULL REFUND. Yep, that’s a FREE ticket!

Who’s coming with me??!!

If you’ve already bought your ticket, or are planning to get one soon – let me know that you’ll be attending! I’d absolutely love to connect with some of my amazing bloggy fans at this event!



  1. I haven’t purchased my ticket yet but I plan on attending! It will be my first conference ever! Good practice for BlogHer in August!

    • Sunshine and Sippy Cups says

      I soooo want to go to BlogHer – I think I’m going to, but I’m in Washington, so it’s a long {and expensive!} trip to get there!!

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