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HUGE Mompact Gift Basket Giveaway!!

As a Mompact Independent Consultant, I’m excited to be able to partner with them to bring you this great giveaway filled with some of Mompact’s best products! One lucky winner will get to choose between the Boutique Baby Shower Basket or the Kids Collections Basket. Win it to give as a gift, or keep it for yourself – it’ll be a tough choice. Winner will be selected on December 21st in time for Christmas Shipping!! Super exciting, right?

What is Mompact?

What is Mompact?

Mompact is all about supporting moms in business, and in daily life. All of the products you’ll find here are mom-invented, and solve some of the challenges we all face in our super busy daily lives. You know how much I love finding new “Busy Mom Solution” products to share with you guys – and some of the very best can be found on!

Mompact Baby Product BasketBoutique Baby Shower Gift Basket: You can purchase this amazing basket on – it would be a perfect gift for any new moms on your shopping list this Christmas! It retails for $99.95, and includes some of my favorite products – The super adorable Storytime PJ’s, packaged with a matching bedtime book, the HIPPMama Tool Belt, a Hot Joe Jacket to drink your morning latte in style, and more! And it’s all packaged beautifully in a gold basket, wrapped in organza, and tied up with a bow.

Mompact Kids BasketKids Collection Gift Basket: Another super fun basket that is also available on this holiday season – This is a super fun family gift basket idea! It includes a ton of great products – The I Like Book, {one of my absolute favorites, hands down!} the super popular Kidzikoo Sippy Insulator, the Twooth Timer, Crayon Bungee, and loads more! Just like the Boutique Baby Basket, it’s packaged up pretty in a gold basket, wrapped in gold organza, and topped off with a festive red bow!

Shop Mompact This Week for big savings!!

25% off all gift items in the “Featured Collection” – includes the baskets and items on first page of shop site. Use code: HOLIDAYGIFT25


Win the basket of YOUR choice!!

Use the easy peasy Rafflecopter entry form to get your entry in today! And don’t forget to check out the amazing selection of high quality products for moms, kids, and babies – and save an extra 25% off all week. Happy Holidays  – and Good Luck!



  1. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! :)

  2. beverly wisman says

    thanks for the fun

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