Welcome Lucinda Faragher from Scentsy to the NEW Direct Sales Directory!
The brand new Direct Sales Directory will be launching soon – {Click the new tab in the navigation bar to learn more about it!} – and while I’m still in the process of building it, I’d like to introduce you to some of the AMAZING women who will be a part of it!
Coming Soon!!
My new Direct Sales Directory will soon be a great place for you to check out a bunch of different options, and find the company that is right for you! All of the women joining are total pro’s, and can answer your questions, and get you started on your way to success! Plus, what a great way to support other women in business – Do your holiday shopping by ordering amazing products directly from these great ladies!
Why Direct Sales?
Direct Sales is SUCH a great option for busy moms – you have total flexibility on your hours, which is so important. Whether you want to earn a part-time income, or build a full-time career for yourself, the sky is the limit! And when you shop from a Direct Sales Rep, you are able to use your purchasing power to help other great women in business!
Meet the First Member of the Direct Sales Directory – Lucinda Faragher!
Are you a candle lover? Have you tried Scentsy yet? Maybe you’ve seen or heard the name but haven’t had the time to find out what its all about. Well now’s your chance!
Scentsy candles are flameless, soot-free, candles that use a low-watt bulb to melt over 80+ wonderful flavors of wax. Everything from Pumpkin Marshmallow to Black Raspberry Vanilla. In addition to being safer then traditional candles Scentsy candles are more economical -Scentsy bars costs $5 and contain as much fragrance as most 12oz jar candles at a fraction of the cost lasting 60-80 hours.
Host a Party to get FREE products!
Check out my website at lucindaf.scentsy.us and browse the complete catalog. Before you order consider hosting a party – and getting your warmer at half-price or for free. It only takes a party order of $150 to earn $15 towards any Scentsy product + 1/2 off an additional item.
Join the Scentsy Team – and Start Earning!
Are you looking to earn some extra income while staying at home with the kids? Scentsy was named the number one consumer products company on the 2010 Inc. 500 list. I have twin girls and a 4 year old and Scentsy has provided me with a creative outlet that I enjoy and some extra spending money. Its the perfect time of year to buy, host or join with the holidays around the corner.
For more information:
Email me for more information at lucinda.faragher@comcast.net. Also like my Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/
What do you think?
Who else looooves Scentsy products? To be honest, I was a bit skeptical at first – I have a ton of candles, why would Scentsy be any different? But myohmy! I made my first purchase at an open house about 8 months ago – and I am in LOVE! The bars last so darn long, so they are totally a great value. And I love that I can leave a warmer plugged in all day long, not like a candle that can only burn for a couple of hours. So – if you’re ready to learn more, contact Lucinda today, and tell her you saw her on Sunshine and Sippy Cups!

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