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Rafflecopter – $100 Christmas Cash Giveaway!!

Christmas Cash Giveaway

Welcome to the $100 Christmas Cash Giveaway!

One lucky winner will get a head start on their Christmas shopping and have $100 deposited directly into their Paypal account!! How cool is that, right??

This giveaway is sponsored by 20 awesome blogs – and you’ll love getting the chance to check them out. To enter, simply follow each of us via Google Friend Connect (GFC) using the Rafflecopter form below! Giveaway starts 10/10 at 12:00 am EST and ends 10/23 at 11:59 pm EST. Good Luck!

You only need to enter the giveaway on one of our blogs, but you can come back once a day to claim your daily entries too!

Coupon Blogger ContestCan you guys help ME out in a contest too??!! I’m trying to make it to Round 2 in the “Bring Home the Bacon” Contest – All you do to help is click the pic, and if you like my profile, click the big heart to give me a vote! LOVE my profile? Then come back daily and vote! Your support means a lot to me!!



  1. From Furrin(GFC) aka Vicki Vix (Facebook) says

    Great giveaway. Thanks to you and all the sponsors for putting this together.

  2. I was unable to vote for some on the Parents website… was having trouble signing up. There were a couple I wasn’t able to follow on GFC, there was no button to join on. ( I’m fairly new to all this) thank you for this giveaway!!!!

  3. Okay Meagan Darling… voted… xoxo

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