This is the problem-
Oh sure, your electric toothbrush, toaster and TV look innocent enough, but do you realize they’re robbing you blind? It’s true! In fact all your electronics are pulling power even when they’re not on. Which means you’re paying for a lot of electricity unnecessarily.
Don’t worry! I’ve Got Your Solution-
We found the perfect solutions. First the Belkin Conserve Socket which shuts off the electricity when you’re done toasting your toast, brewing your coffee or charging your phone. Second, the Belkin Conserve Smart AV, a power strip so smart it stops your TV, stereo and gaming system from drawing energy when you’re not using them, but keeps your DVR and cable box on so you won’t miss any of your favorite shows. Whatwill those Kardashians do this week?
Watch this week’s Twirl and watch Carley destroy all the energy sucking vampires around her house, no wooden stake required….
Good For Your Wallet, Good for The Earth!
What great ideas, right? I have been on a mission to cut back all of our expenses this past year – since, as a blogger, I’m not exactly rich yet. I annoy the family on a daily basis, reminding them to turn off the lights when they leave a room, turn off the TV, etc, close the windows when I have the heat running – what’s wrong with you guys!! Whoops, slipped into mommy-mode there for a minute… :)
I am totally in love with these new little gadgets, and am excited to see what kind of difference they’ll start making in my monthly energy bill. And – if you’re using SwagBucks, and earning free Amazon Gift Certificates like I am, you can get these FREE! Check ’em out on Amazon:
- Belkin Conserve Smart AV Energy-Saving Power Strip
is only $23.97, and gets FREE Shipping with Amazon Prime or Amazon Mom membership.
- Belkin Conserve Socket Energy-Saving Outlet
is only $9.99, and also qualifies for FREE shipping. I bought 3 of these sweet gadgets!
And if you’re still unsure, read the reviews on Amazon — one happy customer called the controls on the outlet “idiot-proof”, which is pretty important for me when buying tech stuff, lol.
What do you think? Are you lovin’ this idea too?
Digitwirl is the weekly web show that offers simple solutions to modern day problems. In 3 minutes, Digitwirl brings busy women the very best time, money, and sanity-saving technology, and then teaches them how to use it, step-by-step. Digitwirl was created by technology lifestyle expert Carley Knobloch, who uses lots of technology to manage her busy life as mom of two and entrepreneur. Become a subscriber to get weekly show alerts and exclusive deals at, or follow Digitwirl on Twitter at @digitwirl.

Saw your comment over at Sugar Belle and thought it was hilarious~ Stopped in to say “hi!” Love these ideas about energy saving! Cheers~
Thanks for appreciating it, lol :) I always thought that newborns were the hard part. Nope, at least when they cry or throw fits they do it ONE SPOT. A toddler NEVER stops moving…. Her and the puppy roam the house exploring things like Lewis and Clark…. I’m a tired mommy… !