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Busy Mom Solution: Skype is the easiest way to video chat

Do some of your closest friends live far, far away?

Do some of your closest friends live far, far away? You probably connect through email or status updates, but wouldn’t it be better to connect face-to-face? For that video chatting is the way to go, but if you’re not on the same email provider it’s not going to work. A simple solution? Skype.

What’s the best thing about Skype? It’s FREE!

Skype has a free basic service that allows you and any other “Skyper” to chat and instant message no matter where in the world you both live. For a small charge you can even group chat, call mobile and land lines, and if you download the free cell phone app, you can call anywhere in the world for a fraction of traditional costs.

Check out this week’s Twirl and get a behind-the-scenes look at what goes in to shooting an episode when we’re missing a key ingredient…or are we?

What do you think?

I think I’m ready to sign up for Skype – finally! I’ve had quite a few people ask me if I’m on Skype lately – from my web designer, to affiliate managers; from my cousin in Seattle to blogging partners across the country – Now I can finally say YES, and chat with them easily using Skype.

So much easier than I expected!

Setting up Skype sounded like it was the kind of thing that would be a big confusing headache, so I’ve just been putting it off. But after watching this twirl, I realized I’m craaaaazy for not having done this sooner. It’s easy peasy as can be!

Do you use Skype?

What’s your favorite thing about Skype? Or, if you’re NOT using it already, does this video give YOU the confidence to get started too?

Digitwirl is the weekly web show that offers simple solutions to modern day problems. In 3 minutes, Digitwirl brings busy women the very best time, money, and sanity-saving technology, and then teaches them how to use it, step-by-step. Digitwirl was created by technology lifestyle expert Carley Knobloch, who uses lots of technology to manage her busy life as mom of two and entrepreneur. Become a subscriber to get weekly show alerts and exclusive deals at, or follow Digitwirl on Twitter at @digitwirl.


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