Get LOADS of freebies right now from Blockbuster!
Head to Blockbuster Express to find a kiosk near you- and go get some FREE movies tonight.
You can also sign up on Blockbuster Express for Free Monday Movies by text message- which is very cool. It’s super handy to get the free codes by text, so you have them with you when you’re out running errands. Love it! Makes it so easy.
Then use these codes at your closest kiosk to get up to 8 FREE movies:
Each code is good for a Free One Night Rental. Just enter promotional Code: 87PGAR9, 62KRVF3, 65RMAQ7, 56AGSF4, 43MMKC5, 85JMMF7, 23CHAH3 and 64HLG5P.
These codes expire on 9/23/11 at midnight! And don’t forget to return your movie by 9:00pm the next night to avoid the $1 a night rental fee.
Join today for HUGE rewards, sweepstakes, and freebies!

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