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Hey Review Bloggers- Check out the Reviewers Retreat 2012!

review blog conference Double Duty Divas And Great Wolf Lodge are hosting the 2012 Reviewers Retreat– and you DON’T want to miss this event!

About Reviewers Retreat

The 2nd annual Reviewer’s Retreat will be held June 3-5, 2012 at Great Wolf Lodge, Concord-Charlotte, NC. Reviewer’s Retreat is first conference geared specifically toward the issues and challenges faced by bloggers in the product review genre, a topic that is lacking from most conference agendas.

Review bloggers, those who conduct product and resource reviews on their site, will converge to take part in sessions on a variety of topics including brand-blogger relations, website design, perfecting the pitch, statistics, photography and more.

This brand-friendly conference welcomes company and agency representatives as building and strengthening relationships between bloggers and brands is one of the conference’s primary goals.

Join Me At Reviewers Retreat: Click Here to Reserve YOUR Tickets Today!!

Make sure to check out Reviewers Retreat on Facebook too… You can stay updated on the event, speakers, and other fun happenings.

About Double Duty Divas

“Double Duty Divas are moms who do it all! From kids to jobs and even side businesses and blogs. If you’re a mom managing multiple endeavors, you’re a DOUBLE DUTY DIVA!”

I love being a part of the Double Duty Divas– It’s a really amazing community of bloggers! Head to their site today, and click on the Join Us tab up top to apply to become a member. They share great tips, and I learn a lot from the other members. Plus, you have access to great Review Campaigns, Blogger Blasts, and more– Lots of support to help you bring your blog to the next level!

You can find them on Facebook too!

Get your tickets at a discount!

Join me as a member of the Double Duty Divas today– And don’t forget to reserve your ticket to the Reviewers Retreat 2012 today!! I’ll see you there….



  1. So glad I clicked over after seeing your smiling face on Social Good Moms today! Doing so not only led me to your beautiful blog, but also informed me about Reviewer’s Retreat 2012 that is happening in my BACKYARD! Now I have two conferences to find a way to make it to that are within close driving distance! Love finding other bloggers who are just as “New” as I am. ~Tifaine

    • Sunshine and Sippy Cups says

      You are too sweet – thanks for stopping by today! And I hope to see you at Reviewer’s Retreat – I think it’s going to be a blast :)

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