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24% Less than Walmart Prices!

Big Savings on Dr. Browns Baby Products!

Yaysave already has the lowest prices- and proves it to you by comparing their price to stores like Walmart, Amazon, or but this weekend the deals are even sweeter – Like this Dr. Browns sale!

All Dr. Browns products are an ADDITIONAL 10% off! That makes the entire line at prices that are 24% lower than Walmart’s prices!

Dr. Browns Newborn Bottle Set

The bottle set above sells for $18.54 at Walmart, but it’s only $14.18 at Yaysave! Savings like that really add up.

Free Shipping

Plus, they have really low $5 shipping every day – Or upgrade to the Premium Membership and get FREE shipping all year!

And, there’s even MORE!

Everyone who signs up for a Premium Membership like I did gets a BONUS of 500 Swagbucks for joining! Then, you can get another 500 Swagbucks with your first purchase of $25 bucks or more. It took about 5 days to see my points credited- and that was more than enough for a FREE $5 Amazon gift card in the Swagbucks Rewards Store.

Check it out!

To see the other great deals on Yaysave, take just a second to sign up for the FREE membership, and then you can view their deals. If you’re as impressed as I was, it’s easy to upgrade to the Premium Membership!


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