Now you can find the most updated coupons and savings from right on my page!
Check out the cool new tool in my sidebar:
You can find it in the “Fun Free Stuff” section. These coupons will be automatically updated every few minutes, to always show you the most recent coupons to print. Awesomesauce, right? I’m super excited to use it myself, since it’s an easy way for me to see when something new and exciting has been added.
What do you think?
Is this a tool that you think you’ll use often? Is there a more convenient spot that you would like to see me place it? I’d love to hear your thoughts.
{If you have a blog too, and would like to learn more about how to get this super cool new tool, check out Escalate Media for more information.}
I love your site. Your site looks bright and cheery, it is easy to read and the colors are pleasant and not overpowering. Great Job :)
Lisa, thanks SO much for the sweet comment! I was so very excited to get this re-design done. I feel like the site is much more “me” now :)