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New Family Movie Night- Game Time: Tackling the Past

MovieFamily Movie Night – Game Time: Tackling the Past

P&G and Walmart have partnered once again for a new Family Movie Night! The newest movie, Game Time: Tackling the Past, airs on NBC Saturday, September 3rd, at 8pm ET/7pm CT.

P&G and Walmart partnered for Family Movie Night to help you rediscover family time- Great quality movies with no inappropriate content, and they even keep the commercials family-friendly. I hate sitting down to watch something with the kids that I think will be safe… Only to have them startled something unexpectedly scary or violent, or have them see things that are too adult for them. I’m not at all conservative, but even I have trouble finding good family movies sometimes. So I definitely am a fan of these new Family Movie Nights!

Watch Game Time: Tackling the Past

What do you think?

I can totally relate to the message in this movie… How an unexpected event in life can cause you to totally re-evaluate your priorities, and suddenly realize what was really important in life.

This is pretty much what happened when I became a mother. I was working really long, crazy, unpredictable hours in retail management and fashion marketing. I loved what I did, but it was stressful. I worked hard, and on my days off, I played hard too- I had a super active social life. I had no desire for kids, and was totally happy as “Auntie Meagan” to my nephews. Like Jake in the movie, I thought I knew where I was going in life…

Then, I found out I was expecting. Woah- that really stopped me in my tracks! In the movie Jake has to make huge life changes due to the unexpected news that his father has suffered a major heart attack- The unexpected news of my pregnancy forced me to take a hard look at my life too, and make some huge changes. As my due date approached, I realized that I couldn’t just jump back into my old life- I couldn’t continue 50 hour work weeks, full time school, AND spend time with a baby. When discussing this with my employer, they abruptly decided to let me go!! What now??

I soon discovered that this was the best thing that could happen. My family rallied around to offer support, friends pitched in to help me out, and I realized that less money, but more time with my baby, was making me a million times more happy than what I had “thought” I wanted before! Just like Jake in the movie, I realized how important that support is in life.

“Count your blessings. Once you realize how valuable you are and how much you have going for you, the smiles will return, the sun will break out, the music will play, and you will finally be able to move forward the life that God intended for you with grace, strength, courage, and confidence.” –Og Mandino quotes

When Winning is Everything, What’s Left?

That’s the main message of the movie, and I think it’s a great question to address with your family and kids after watching the movie. Family Movie Night films are meant to encourage teachable moments…

Ask you kids what they would do if they went through the same type of situation faced by Jake in the movie. Would they make the same choices? Get some discussion going… And look forward to another opportunity to do it again, and watch for the next Family Movie Night soon!

Learn More:

{Disclaimer: I wrote this review while participating in a campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of P&G and received a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.}

And don’t forget… The premiere of Game Time: Tackling the Past is on Saturday, September 3 on NBC at 8pm ET/7pm CT!!


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