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Join the Mom’s Online Back-to-School Countdown!

Are you ready for Back-to-School yet?

Ok, I know we’re all ready for the kids to be gone for part of the day… As much as I adore my nephews, and love getting to spend so much time with them while they’re living here with me, I won’t lie- I’m going to enjoy the afternoons with just the baby and I, and the quiet, again.

But I’m talking about “READY”-ready. You know, school supplies, new clothes, shoes that fit, backpacks, etc.

If you’re a member of my favorite online community, CafeMom, check out the Back-to-School section!

There are two places you can visit: One is the Back-to-School Supplies section, where you can ask questions to get advice from other moms, or read the answers to other momma’s questions like, “What do you suggest a kid keep in their school lockers (besides books)?” So helpful.

The other section is the Mom’s BTS Countdown, with tons of great videos and info to help you get prepared! You’ll love it.

Not a member of CafeMom yet?

It’s super easy to join me there! Head over to CafeMom and fill out a couple quick forms to get started. Then you can start browsing around, join some groups {I just joined a recipe swap group, and some local moms who do a coupon exchange! So cool.} and meet some new people.

How to meet other momma’s like you:

There are groups you can join based on your interests (cooking, scrapbooking, couponing, tattoos, etc.), your location, the age of your kids, your age, and much, much more. Join in the conversation in the group and you’re sure to find other moms like you.

You can also find CafeMom on Facebook. While you’re there, stop by too and leave me a comment- I so love hearing from you guys!

If you’re a member, and would like to connect on CafeMom, leave me your user name in a comment, and I’ll come by and say hello!


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