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How shopping this sale can save the world….

Always full of Great Deals:

Totsy offers moms on-the-go and moms-to-be access to brand-specific sales, up to 80% off retail, just for them and the kids, ages 0-7. Top brands for mom, baby, and child. Prenatal care products, baby gear, travel accessories, bedding and bath, children’s clothing, toys, DVDs, and educational materials are just a sampling of a selection that promises only the best in quality and designer brands.

Today’s SUPER DUPER hot buys:

  • $2.35 for Disney Books, shipped! {WOW!!}
  • Pillow Pets for $11.10, super steal!
  • Disney Princess books for $3.10… Great price!!

Who says shopping can’t save the world?

100% eco-friendly: Totsy is the first company in private sales to take on sustainable and socially responsible initiatives in all areas of business. One baby, one tree: With every purchase you make through Totsy, we will plant one tree in the name of your child to help reduce the effects of deforestation.

Check it out today, and get ’em before they’re gone!

Check out Totsy and all of the uh-MAY-zing deals today– Shop Totsy! Let me know what YOUR favorite deal is! {I’m stocking up on books for Christmas gifts…}


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