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An app that whips your butt into shape.

Nike training app for weight loss

Perfect Weight Loss App for Busy Moms

Ah yes, remember that New Year’s resolution you made to get to the gym at least three times a week? How’s that goin’ for ya? Well, enough with the excuses, we found an amazing—and free—app that will whip your body into shape and is really fun to use. Of all the fitness apps out there we fell in love with Nike Training Club app. It’s like having a personal trainer in the palm of your hand. Not only is it super slick, and really easy to navigate, but it also integrates your favorite music to get pumped up to straight from your iTunes playlists. Eye of the Tiger, baby!

Why Nike Training Club app Rocks

It has a bunch of workouts to choose from, videos on how to do them correctly, and even rewards you can unlock the more you work out. It’s only available for the iPhone, but we also really liked FitSync for Android as an alternative.

So no more excuses, Ladies. Your skinny jeans await!

So, what do you think?

I’ll tell you what I think… I think this is the raddest app I’ve seen in awhile! I’m really excited about the weight that I’m losing on the Nutrisystem diet, but definitely need to get this booty in gear so that I can fit back into my pre-baby jeans again. Since I rely on my iPhone to manage everything else in my life – this is the perfect fit to keep me motivated, even when I’m traveling and on the go!

Workouts for Busy Moms

Since I’m so darn crazy busy, {but come one, what momma isn’t crazy busy, right?} it would be almost impossible to get out of the house for a workout. What I do, and works great, is to use my housework hour each day as a workout too {meaning lunges while I vacuum, squats while folding laundry, you get the picture} and then trying to add in a short workout when I can. I would love to have this app to help me increase the amount of exercise I’m able to fit into my days – and teach me some new moves!

From eating cinnamon buns to buns of steel!

This Nike Training Club app would give me such a boost, since I could easily pick an effective workout, anytime and anywhere, and follow it right from my phone! No searching for a workout DVD, cleaning up the toys in the living room so I can have some space, then searching for the remote… Nope, a couple of buttons on my smarty-pants phone, and Nike’s great app can have me shakin’ it in no time!

And, I love, love, LOVE that it lets you link up your OWN music! That is one of my biggest complaints with other workout video’s, is not liking the tunes. This, literally, rocks!

For more great weight loss tips, ideas, and motivation – check out my Weight Loss Inspiration board on Pinterest. And if you have a great weight loss tip too, or favorite app that helps keep you on track, share it with me in the comments! Carley Bio Pic

Digitwirl is the weekly web show that offers simple solutions to modern day problems. In 3 minutes, Digitwirl brings busy women the very best time, money, and sanity-saving technology, and then teaches them how to use it, step-by-step. Digitwirl was created by technology lifestyle expert Carley Knobloch, who uses lots of technology to manage her busy life as mom of two and entrepreneur.

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  1. I totally want to download this app for sure!

  2. Linking to your own iTunes music is very cool. Thanks for sharing this app with us. I am already thinking of weight loss now that I am 35 weeks pregnant and huge ;) I will have to check this out.

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