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{Earn Money Online} MindField Panel: How does it work?

Learn how to make money online with MindField Panel:

  • Step 1: Sign up! You can get started here with a quick sign up.
  • Step 2: After you sign up, they’ll send you an activation email. Click that to verify your account, and then you’re ready to get started.
  • Step 3: Fill out as many member questionnaires as you have time for. These are optional, and you don’t get paid for completing them, but they help to match you with surveys. That means, the more you fill out, the better the surveys you’ll get.
  • Step 4: Wait for you first survey! They send out emails pretty often, so it shouldn’t be long until you get your first one. So check your email often, and complete a survey as soon as you can, before it’s filled up.
  • Step 5: Give your opinions. When you get the email invite, it will tell you what reward you’ll earn for completing that survey. You’ll get paid for it 10-14 days after the survey closes. {This doesn’t mean right after you finish, but once the survey has been filled and closed. Might be right away, might be a week.} Also, once in a while you won’t qualify for a survey you attempt to take. If this happens, they still give you an entry into their BIG prize drawing.
  • Step 6: Get your cash! Once your account has $5, a link will appear on the right side of the screen under the Member Summary, letting you that you can request a check. $5 is the minimum checkout amount but you are allowed to let it grow as large as you want before cashing out. Once you have requested a check, it will be processed within one week and mailed to the address that you have on file.

Easy peasy, right? I’ve used this one for a long time now, and have never had any problems with it at all. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments and I’ll answer them for you!


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