Head over to Munchkin.com and get two FREE Mozart albums just for your baby!
These Mozart favorites have been developed and arranged by Dr. Norman M. Weinberger, a renowned neurobiologist, and Jimmie Haskell, a 3-time GRAMMY® award winner.
My little girl LOVES to listen to music all day while I work, so I was really excited to get these today. I think she’ll love ’em!
If you have a baby at home, you know you NEED freebies. Baby = Expensive!
Check out a couple of my other favorite sites. You can find free samples of things like diapers and formula, coupons for baby stuff, special offers targeted towards your needs, as well as great quotes, stories, and advice.
My favorite momma & baby freebie sites:
- Mother or Father-to-be? Already a new parent? Click this for a lot of FREE stuff for the new baby. Click Here to check it out. Or sign up a friend with a baby on the way, to help her get started!
- Buy Pampers and earn rewards with Gifts to Grow. These are my favorite diapers anyway, and I love that I get rewarded for buying them! Join now & get 100 Free Points. You will also receive periodic emails and special offers. Click Here to learn more and sign up!
- Would you like to receive some great free samples, offers, and coupons for your new bundle of joy? If you are a new Parent, Grandparent, Aunt, Uncle or friend, register with Planning Family for some great stuff for the baby!
At Planning Family you will find free baby samples, free baby magazines, baby formula coupons and more.
Tons of free baby stuff from the brands you know and trust. Click Here to sign up. - This one is just for moms! Womanfreebies.com where you can find the best samples, coupons, sweepstakes and freebies from your favorite big brands specially chosen by women for women! WomanFreebies is the best place to get great samples from big name brands. Click Here to see whats available today.
Good stuff, right?
I’ve even ended up with TOO MUCH stuff sometimes, from all of the freebies I get. Planning Family and Baby to Bee both send you a daily email filled with resources to help you try out new products and get coupons. I sign up for EVERYTHING, and sometimes, just for being on a companies mailing list, they’ll send you freebies you don’t even expect, which is so nice.
{Almost} Free Baby Shower Gift!
I had enough extra free samples to fill a whole diaper bag for a friends baby shower a while back. I put in lots of diaper samples, so she could figure out what brand she liked best for her baby. A few packages of formula. A sippy cup that I won from MAM USA, loads of coupons, and more.
Hope these tips help you out too!
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