Check out some of my favorite coupon sites, and get the newest coupons to save YOUR family more money on groceries!
You don’t have to be a couponing expert to save money. Start small:
Check out these sites, and find coupons for products you KNOW you’ll be buying anyway.
- Add them to your store reward card or print them out and clip.
- Put ’em all in an envelope, make a list on the front of which coupons you’ve got, and make sure to pick up those items while shopping.
- Hand your envelope to the check out clerk.
- See your savings add up!
- It really is that easy peasy, I promise :)
So, here are some great coupon sites you can use to get started:
I’m sure you’ve heard of, they’re a big one. Browse through their selection, and print out your favorites.
Cellfire is a really cool one that I’ve become a big fan of. You simply choose the coupons you like, and then add them right onto your store reward card. Then they are AUTOMATICALLY applied to your purchase, without needing to clip and carry any coupons at all! Some stores even let you stack these on top of your printed coupons!
Sunday Coupon Preview is a really cool site, it allows you to get a “sneak peek” at the coupons coming that out in the next Sunday paper. Very cool, check them out!
RedPlum Coupons is another really great site for printable coupons. I find a lot of our favorite brands here!
So, go and check them out, and discover which sites will work best for YOUR family. And if you have any other sites to suggest, leave me some comments!
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