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Plantsmart: The Garden Gadget That Gives Anyone A Green Thumb

Smart Garden Helper

Plants. They’ve been around since the Paleozoic period, so why is it so hard to keep them alive for one stinkin’ summer? Weeds grow without an ounce of effort, but when it comes to having flowers and plants that will make the neighbors green with envy you may need a little help from our newest find–The PlantSmart Digital Plant Care Sensor from Black & Decker. It takes the guess work out of gardening by giving you tons of invaluable gardening tips.

The Plantsmart – From Black & Decker – Saves the Day!

Stick the sensor into your soil for 24 hours and this cute little device will evaluate your soil, sunlight and temperature. Then just plug it into your computer for a detailed analysis of what’s at the root of it all your gardening woes. Even better, it will give you access to a database of thousands of recommendations for exactly which flowers and plants will thrive in your backyard. It also gives you great ideas for container gardening and wisdom when it comes to window boxes.

Watch this week’s Twirl as our resident gardening expert goes head to head with this remarkable garden gadget. You might be as surprised as she was at the results.

What do you think?

I do not have a green thumb. I have more like, the black thumb of impending disaster or something. My mother is a Master Gardener, so I was a hopeless disappointment to her. I love plants, I used to try so hard to grow my own garden, and keep my pretty flowering houseplants alive… Yet I never really succeed.

My secret weapon!

But now – I have a totally amazing vegetable garden. My mother helped me get it started, and helps me keep it up. The carrots and peppers breath a sigh of relief when they see her accompany me, since they know now that they are in good hands. A big reason I had such trouble getting started is that I really had no knowledge about things like soil types, how much sunlight was needed, when to water, etc. You know, the basic things you do to keep your plants alive. So this little gadget was like having my own little gardening wizard – helping figure out exactly what I needed to do! I could finally impress my mother by picking the right plants for the right place, AND keeping them alive. But shhhh…. Don’t tell her my secret!

More gardening help from technology!

  • Pocket Garden: This fun app will help you plan, organize, and track your veggie garden! With suggestions for proper plants, you’ll save a ton of money by finding the perfect plantings for any plot!
  • Get Growing: Another great app – This one helps you really see the value of growing your own food. You will be amazed by how just a few fruits and veggies can take a real bite out of your grocery bill! {Yep, pun totally intended!}

Carley's Byline Pic Rocks my Socks!

Digitwirl is the weekly web show that offers simple solutions to modern day problems. In 3-minutes, Digitwirl brings busy women the very best time, money, and sanity-saving technology, and then teaches them how to use it, step-by-step. Digitwirl was created by technology lifestyle expert Carley Knobloch, who uses lots of technology to manage her busy life as mom of two and entrepreneur. Become a subscriber to get weekly show alerts and exclusive deals at, or follow Digitwirl on Twitter at @digitwirl.



  1. Okay, WOW. That is something I need. I have to keep silk flowers around because the live ones cringe when I come near. Thanks for sharing!!

  2. I so need this! A vegetable garden is at the top of my list for this Spring!

  3. This is great timing, with the mild winter I’m already thinking about gardening and I have a total black thumb but Im determined to get something to grow! Only makes sense that gardening would do tech! :)

  4. I can grow plants, I just can’t keep my darn lab from eating my tomatoes off the vine! Do you have a video for that? :)

  5. such great reminders especially around this time of year.

    i love to plant. i can keep a pretty green garden up until it gets so darn hot around here in the south. last year, i just gave up.

    thanks for all the techy tips too!

  6. This is so apropro because I was just talking to my husband about gardening. I want to give it a whirl this summer and this would be great. Thank you so much!

  7. Wow, I so want this! We just bought a house that’s on an acre, so there’s plenty of room to grow our own veggies. Except I’m a plant killer and have no idea how to get started…this would be perfect!

  8. I’m a nascent gardener myself. So far, I haven’t killed anything this year, but that gadget would be great!! I did put weeds in my quinoa last night instead of mint, so I still have some learning to do.

  9. I love gadgets, period. I can grow anything, but I just love gadgets. Trying it for sure.

  10. I so want one for my mom who kills almost every plant she plants!

  11. wow i so need this. I definetly have a black thumb.

  12. Okay, that is AWESOME. If we manage to move, I’m going to have to get one of these immediately for the new garden.

  13. I love plants, this looks like a really fun item — thanks for letting us know about it!

  14. This sounds like an awesome invention! I need one! lol

  15. This is so cool. You always have the neatest things on your site! I love your sunshine..and sometimes I could use your sippycups if they have a margarita in it!

  16. That is too cool! I def need one! I have a black thumb! LOL

  17. I love this! Tweeted it. :)

  18. This is cool! Although I do not do much gardening, I have family members who would love it.

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