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How To: Save Money When Dining Out! {Coupons, Deals, and More!}

Saving Money When Dining Out:

I’m a stay at home momma, so I don’t get out of the house a whole lot. I’m also nervous about leaving the baby with someone, and only have a very few trusted sitters, so my opportunities to get out are kinda limited!

Going out to eat is one way we can get out of the house with the baby, meet our friends, and I can actually have some type of social life still! But I hate spending a ton of money.

I LOVE when restaurants offer freebies, special offers or deals, and coupons, to help save when you go out!

A few quick tips to save money anytime you dine out:

  • Visit at lunch instead of dinner. You can often get the same options, but at a much lower price!
  • Dine at the bar during Happy Hour. Many times they have really amazing specials on appetizers, or maybe even dinner. And some places even have freebies during Happy Hour. Free is my favorite flavor!
  • Always ask your server if they have a special before ordering. Many times restaurants have a special deal that isn’t advertised on the menu, and your server may be busy and forget to mention it.

If you have some other great tips, I’d love for you to share in the comments below, so everyone can benefit from them too!

Here are a few deals and coupons available now:

  • Quizno’s: Celebrate Quiznos’ 30th Anniversary with Four Coupons! Click Here.
  • Restaurant Gift Cards: $25 Dining Certificate for up to 80% off! Click Here!
  • Olive Garden: Unlimited Soup, Salad, and Breadsticks is back for a limited time! I LOVE this one! We usually order a fun appetizer too. These three things are honestly my favorite things at Olive Garden, so this is perfect for me. In my area, this deal is going for only $6.95 per person, a great way to have a wonderful afternoon out on a budget.
  • Check them often for new restaurant printables. Click Here
  • Groupon: TONS of great deals on local restaurants! And, if you’re going to be traveling for summer, sign up for alerts from the city you’ll be visiting, and get HUGE discounts up to 90% off on restaurant certificates, and other attractions. Click Here.

More tips:

To save at any of your favorites, especially local sites, just do a quick online search for the restaurant you’re interested in. You’ll almost always find their website, and maybe a facebook page too. Sign up for any club that they have, or reward program. Then you’ll be the first to know of special deals, and coupons!


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